Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Denne vejledning beskriver de tekniske forretningsregler i forhold til at implementere Fælles Stamkort i et lokalt fagsystem eller en borgerportal. Vejledningen er tiltænkt forretningsarkitekter, systemarkitekter samt systemleverandører, således disse kan vurdere hvordan Fælles Stamkort kan implementeres i systemerne.


1 -  Herunder CPR-register, Sygesikringsregister, Organdonorregister, Livs- og Behandlingstestamenteregister samt stamkortregister
2 -

Anden dokumentation

De overordnede forretningsregler til Fælles Stamkort kan ses i dokumentet: Indhold og forretningsregler Fælles Stamkort

Detaljeret teknisk anvenderguide, herunder information om felttyper, feltstørrelser og kardinalitet i dokumentet: FSK Guide til anvendere

Teknisk oversigt

Udveksling af borgerens Fælles Stamkort foregår via den nationale infrastruktur til dokumentdeling. Denne understøtter referencearkitekturen for deling af dokumenter og billeder.


Stamkortregister-servicen benyttes til at hente (kun adgang fra Fælles Stamkort on-demand service)  samt redigere borgerens stamdata (telefonnummer, pårørende oplysninger, midlertidige adresse, sprog samt tilknytning til læge og tandlæge).  Opdateringer af data, sker via en direkte webserviceintegration til Stamkortregisteret.

Teknisk implementering

Afsnittet indeholder tekniske vejledninger til hvordan Fælles Stamkort kan integrereres i lokale fagsystemer og borgerportaler.

Indhold i Fælles Stamkort

Indholdet i Fælles stamkort er defineret i CDA profilen: Personal Data Card (PDC-DK) [version 2.0].
Indeholdet er struktureret således at generelt stamdata om patienten er en del af den generiske CDA header, som beskriver alle typer af CDA dokumenter.
Den generiske CDA header er beskrevet i dokumentet: HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2.0 CDA Header (DK CDA Header)3.
Body delen af dokumentet component.structuredBody indeholder staminformation om patienten, der enten er taget fra registre eller tastet ind manuelt.
Nedenstående tabel giver et indblik i hvilket indhold der findes i Fælles Stamkort, samt hvad der er kilden.


3 Header/Dokumentation/DK-CDA-Header.pdf

Tekniske forudsætninger

Se Administrative forudsætninger for at få adgang til NSP'en.


Til at understøtte SAML har Sundhedsdatastyrelsen udviklet biblioteker til Java og .NET (SEAL biblioteket) Dette bør benyttes så vidt det er muligt, se STS Dokumentation

Søgning på Fælles Stamkort

For at søge på en patients Fælles Stamkort, skal der laves en ITI-18 forespørgsel via NSP'ens dokumentdelingsservice.


Yderligere information omkring forespørgsler via dokumentdeling kan ses i Brugervejledning til forespørgsler via DDS

Hentning af Fælles Stamkort

For at hente en patients Fælles Stamkort, skal der laves en ITI-43 forespørgsel via NSP'ens dokumentdelingsservice.


Code Block
titleITI-43 RetrieveDocumentSetResponse
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../Stylesheet/Lantana Group/stylesheets-master/Stylesheets/CDA/cda.xsl" ?>
<ClinicalDocument xmlns:xsi=""
    xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v3 ../Schema/infrastructure/cda/CDA_SDTC.xsd"
    xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" moodCode="EVN">
    <realmCode code="DK"/>
    <typeId extension="POCD_HD000040" root="2.16.840.1.113883.1.3"/>
    <!-- MedCom templateId for Personal Data Card -->
    <templateId root=""/>
    <!-- Unik ID for this PDC instance -->
    <id assigningAuthorityName="MedCom" extension="7b1bcb3d-6edc-4855-808d-7bf7f65c7703"
    <code displayName="Stamkort" codeSystem="" code="PDC"
        codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"/>
    <title>Personal Data Card for 2512489996 </title>
    <!-- Personal Data Card generated at:  -->
    <effectiveTime value="20190808160510+0200"/>
    <confidentialityCode codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.25" code="N"/>
    <languageCode code="da-DK"/>

    <!-- This recordTarget indentifies the patient and related information from CPR -->
    <!-- GP information is placed in the providerOrganizationt element -->
    <recordTarget contextControlCode="OP" typeCode="RCT">
        <patientRole classCode="PAT">
            <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512489996" root=""/>
            <!-- This is the address from CPR -->
            <addr use="H">
                <streetAddressLine>Vedbæk Strandvej 464</streetAddressLine>
            <patient classCode="PSN">
                <administrativeGenderCode codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" code="F"/>
                <birthTime value="19481225000000+0000"/>
            <!-- GP from CPR: Identified by ydernummer, could also be identified by SOR-id -->
                <id extension="123456" root=""
                <telecom use="WP" value="tel:+4512345678"/>
                <telecom value=""/>
                <addr use="H">
                    <streetAddressLine>Ydervej 42</streetAddressLine>

    <!-- The author of this document is the FSK on-demand-service, identified by SDS -->
        <!-- time is set to document creating time=effectiveTime above-->
        <time value="20190808160510+0200"/>
            <!-- id @root is set to SDS-root-->
            <id root="" extension="NI"/>

    <!-- The custodian of this document is the FSK on-demand-service, identified by SDS -->
                <!-- id @root is set to SDS-root-->
                <id root="" extension="NI"/>
    <!--This documentationOf holds the creation time of this CDA instance -->
                <low value="20190808160510+0200"/>
                <high nullFlavor="NA"/>
    <!--This documentationOf holds the version of the CDA-profile -->
            <!--This templateId tells that this serviceEvent holds the identification (pdc) and version (v2.0) of the CDA profile -->
            <templateId root="" extension="2019-09-10"/>
            <!--This id @extension equals the identification and version of the CDA profile-->
            <id root="" extension="pdc-v2.0" assigningAuthorityName="MedCom"/>

    <component typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true">
        <structuredBody classCode="DOCBODY" moodCode="EVN">
            <component typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true">
                <section classCode="DOCSECT" moodCode="EVN">
                    <!-- Section templateId for additional information from registers and manually entered information-->
                    <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                        <paragraph>Øvrige oplysninger</paragraph>
                        <!--           <table border="1" width="100%"> -->
                        <table width="100%">
                                    <th>Kilde/Indtastet af</th>
                                    <th>Sidst ændret/Indtastet den</th>
                                    <td>Forældremyndighed over</td>
                                            <item>Mor til 9999999999: Peter Severin Knudsen</item>
                                            <item>Mor til 9999999998: Elsebeth Larsen</item>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Borgerens navn og adresse</td>
                                            <item>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</item>
                                            <item>Vedbæk Strandvej 464</item>
                                            <item>7000 Fredericia</item>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Registreret organdonor</td>
                                    <td>Dansk Center For Organdonation</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Registreret behandlingstestamente</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Registreret livstestamente</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Talt sprog, indtastet</td>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 16:03:10</td>
                                    <td>Midlertidig adresse, indtastet</td>
                                            <item>Periode: 2019-01-01 - 2020-01-01</item>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 16:02:10</td>
                                    <td>Tandlæge indtastet</td>
                                            <item>Jette Testesen</item>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 16:01:10</td>
                                    <td>Kontaktoplysninger, indtastet</td>
                                    <td>Nancy Berggren</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 15:59:10</td>
                                    <td>Pårørende, indtastet</td>
                                            <item>Naboen arbejder hos TDC i Sverige og kan træffes
                                                på arbejdstelefon i dagtimerne ml. 8 og 16.</item>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 15:58:10</td>
                    <!-- Custody information -->
                    <!-- This example shows how to specify a child whom the patient has Custody over -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of the patient's custody -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- observation templateId for custody -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="2267197b-cd9a-4c04-a4b0-cfd91e639f98" root=""/>
                            <code code="ChildCustody" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Forældremyndighed over"/>
                            <!-- Value representing the CPR of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="9999999999"
                            <!-- Value representing the name of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <!-- Value representing the relationship the patient has to the child of whom the patient have custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="mor" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Relation Codes" displayName="Mor"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is CPR -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to CPR-root-->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="CPR"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- This example shows how to specify a child whom the patient has Custody over -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of the patient's custody -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- observation templateId for custody -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="a5b5a9e5-6cf5-415d-a8c4-3c9e88dde53e" root=""/>
                            <code code="ChildCustody" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Forældremyndighed over"/>
                            <!-- Value representing the CPR of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="9999999998"
                            <!-- Value representing the name of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <!-- Value representing the relationship the patient has to the child of whom the patient have custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="mor" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Relation Codes" displayName="Mor"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is CPR -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to CPR-root-->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="CPR"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's name and address from CPR -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's name and address, from CPR -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's name and address, from CPR -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="2d537144-57f9-46a2-b323-c4bd6f6c1a60" root=""/>
                            <code code="CitizenNameAddr" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Borgerens navn og adresse"/>
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <value xsi:type="AD" use="H">
                                <streetAddressLine>Vedbæk Strandvej 464</streetAddressLine>
                            <!-- Author of this register information is CPR -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to CPR-root-->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="CPR"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's coverage group (Sygesikringsgruppe) from CPR -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's coverage group (Sygesikringsgruppe), from CPR -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's coverage group, from CPR -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="f7272633-2c06-4fee-9d81-1199f03ba569" root=""/>
                            <code code="CoverageGroup" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                            <!-- We need a correct OID for the following authority: Sygesikringen-->
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="1" assigningAuthorityName="Sygesikringen"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is sygesikringen -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to Sygesikringen -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Sygesikringen"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's Organ Donor Registration -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's Organ Donor Registration -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's Organ Donor Registration -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="bf5b7087-b8dd-41f3-91c8-d2e0a8955c3a" root=""/>
                            <code code="OrganDonorRegistration" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Registreret organdonor"/>
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="false"
                                 assigningAuthorityName="Dansk Center For Organdonation"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is Danish Organ Donor Register -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to Danish Organ Donor Register -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Dansk Center For Organdonation"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                                        <name>Dansk Center For Organdonation</name>
                    <!-- The citizen's Treatment Will Registration -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's Treatment Will Registration -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's Treatment Will Registration -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="88423bf2-96c4-4df7-a36e-e55f7c02714b" root=""/>
                            <code code="TreatmentWillRegistration" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Registreret behandlingstestamente"/>
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="false"
                            <!-- Author of this information is a register at Sundhedsdatastyrelsen -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Sundhedsdatastyrelsen"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's Living Will Registration -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's Living Will Registration -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's Living Will Registration -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="7d2a50a0-dbf9-443c-8759-3574bed1dd1b" root=""/>
                            <code code="LivingWillRegistration" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Registreret livstestamente"/>
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="true"
                            <!-- Author of this information is register at Sundhedsdatastyrelsen -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to Sundhedsdatastyrelsen -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Sundhedsdatastyrelsen"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The patient's spoken language, typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of spoken language -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- observation templateId for spoken language, typed in -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="cacc53c5-2b59-4931-90a6-1bc612fc7674" root=""/>
                            <code code="LanguageTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Talt sprog, indtastet"/>
                            <!-- Value representing Spoken language -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="de" codeSystem="1.0.639.1"
                                codeSystemName="ISO-639-1" displayName="Tysk"/>
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808160310+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's temporary addres #1, typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of temporary address -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for typed in temporary adress -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="fef7306c-26dc-471b-a451-d217fc6c515b" root=""/>
                            <code code="TempAddrTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Midlertidig adresse, indtastet"/>
                                <low value="20190101000000+0100"/>
                                <high value="20200101000000+0100"/>
                            <value xsi:type="AD">
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808160210+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's temporary addres #2, typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of temporary address -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for typed in temporary adress -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="5a88844f-c012-4421-bf24-9528e590894a" root=""/>
                            <code code="TempAddrTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Midlertidig adresse, indtastet"/>
                                <low value="20190103000000+0100"/>
                                <high nullFlavor="NI"/>
                            <value xsi:type="AD">
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190909220710+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's dentist: Typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of Dentist information -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for typed in dentist -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="8f1d5b96-b16e-405d-a840-4e5bc87690ae" root=""/>
                            <code code="DentistTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Tandlæge indtastet"/>
                            <value xsi:type="EN">
                            <value xsi:type="AD">
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808160110+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                                    <assignedPerson classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
                    <!-- The patient's contact information, typed in-->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of contact information -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for patient contactinformation, typed in -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="95055cc4-39cc-4f77-99ae-300731c4522a" root=""/>
                            <code code="PatientContactTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Kontaktoplysninger, indtastet"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="H" value="tel:+4511223344"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="WP"
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="MC" value="tel:+4566774433"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="WP" value=""/>
                            <!-- Typed in by: -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808155910+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's Relative's: Typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- Observation of Relative's name, phone numbers, Relation and note -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId identifying a typed in relative -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="839697de-9660-4575-a3ac-61def6fb3474" root=""/>
                            <code code="RelativeTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Pårørende, indtastet"/>
                            <!-- The patient's Relative's name and phone numbers -->
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="H" value="tel:11223344"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="WP" value="tel:(46)-55667788-1234"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="MC" value="tel:99001122"/>
                            <!-- The Relative's relation to the patient -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="nabo" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Relation Codes" displayName="Nabo"/>
                            <!-- A note about the Relative -->
                            <value xsi:type="ST">Naboen arbejder hos TDC i Sverige og kan træffes på
                                arbejdstelefon i dagtimerne ml. 8 og 16.</value>
                            <!-- Typed in by: -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808155810+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"

Opdatering af Fælles Stamkort

Fælles stamkort læses som beskrevet via dokumentdeling, men opdateres via Stamkort register servicen


Den tekniske anvenderguide til Stamkortregisteret giver detaljeret information om dataudvekselingsformater samt XML eksempler på oprettelser, opdateringer og sletninger

Sikkerhed, roller og rettigheder

For adgang til Fælles Stamkort skal der for sundhedspersoner eksistere et gyldigt SOSI-ID kort som er signeret af NSP'ens Secure Token Service, dokumentationen for SoSI-ID kort og STS ligger under: Anvenderguide til STS


En sundhedsperson kan ikke have tilknyttet flere roller på samme tid - dette skal administreres via den lokale identifikations- og rettighedstyring.

Håndtering af Spærring og fuldmagt


Adgang til Fælles Stamkort kan være spærret for den sundhedsfaglige, i det tilfælde vil fejlkoden "Consent Filter Applied" returneres (se nedenstående xml eksempel), det betyder at adgang til Fælles Stamkort er spærret, og klienten skal derfor enten angive et værdispring, eller angive der ligger et explicit samtykke til at se data, og så spørge igen.
Yderligere information omkring spærring og forespørgsler via dokumentdeling kan ses i Brugervejledning til forespørgsler via DDS


Information angående angivelse af fuldmagter via dokumentdelingsservicen, kan ses i HSUID header dokumentation.


0.82019-12-06Udkast til Teknisk implementeringsguide til Fælles StamkortSDS
