Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Der er tre værdier der skal benyttes:

  1. Home Community Id HomeCommunityId - der beskriver det domæne dokumentet befinder sig i.

    Værdien hentes ud fra ...ExtrinsicObject/@home

  2. Repository Unique Id RepositoryUniqueId - der bekriver den kilde under domænet der opbevarer dokumentet
    Værdien hentes ud fra ...ExtrinsicObject/Slot[@name=’repositoryUniqueId’]/Value List/Value

  3. Document Unique Id DocumentUniqueId - der identificerer selve dokumentet
    Værdien hentes ud fra ...ExtrinsicObject/ExternalIdentifier[@identificationScheme=’urn:uuid:2e82c1f6-a085-4c72-9da3-8640a32e42ab]/@value

Yderligere information omkring forespørgsler via dokumentdeling kan ses i Brugervejledning til forespørgsler via DDS

Visning af Fælles Stamkort


Hentning af Fælles Stamkort

For at hente en patients Fælles Stamkort, skal der laves en ITI-43 forespørgsel via NSP'ens dokumentdelingsservice.

Som beskrevet ovenfor benyttes de tre værdier: HomeCommunityId, RepositoryUniqueId og DocumentUniqueId til at hente dokumentet.

WSDL til DDS Repository findes her:

Code Block
titleITI-43 RetrieveDocumentSetRequest
		<ns2:RetrieveDocumentSetRequest xmlns:ns6="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:lcm:3.0" xmlns:ns5="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:query:3.0" xmlns:ns4="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rs:3.0" xmlns:ns3="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0" xmlns:ns2="urn:ihe:iti:xds-b:2007">

Det svar der returneres er patientens Fælles Stamkort, indeholdende de dataelementer der er beskrevet under indhold.

Code Block
titleITI-43 AdhocQueryResponse
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../Stylesheet/Lantana Group/stylesheets-master/Stylesheets/CDA/cda.xsl" ?>
<ClinicalDocument xmlns:xsi=""
    xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v3 ../Schema/infrastructure/cda/CDA_SDTC.xsd"
    xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" moodCode="EVN">
    <realmCode code="DK"/>
    <typeId extension="POCD_HD000040" root="2.16.840.1.113883.1.3"/>
    <!-- MedCom templateId for Personal Data Card -->
    <templateId root=""/>
    <!-- Unik ID for this PDC instance -->
    <id assigningAuthorityName="MedCom" extension="7b1bcb3d-6edc-4855-808d-7bf7f65c7703"
    <code displayName="Stamkort" codeSystem="" code="PDC"
        codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"/>
    <title>Personal Data Card for 2512489996 </title>
    <!-- Personal Data Card generated at:  -->
    <effectiveTime value="20190808160510+0200"/>
    <confidentialityCode codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.25" code="N"/>
    <languageCode code="da-DK"/>

    <!-- This recordTarget indentifies the patient and related information from CPR -->
    <!-- GP information is placed in the providerOrganizationt element -->
    <recordTarget contextControlCode="OP" typeCode="RCT">
        <patientRole classCode="PAT">
            <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512489996" root=""/>
            <!-- This is the address from CPR -->
            <addr use="H">
                <streetAddressLine>Vedbæk Strandvej 464</streetAddressLine>
            <patient classCode="PSN">
                <administrativeGenderCode codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" code="F"/>
                <birthTime value="19481225000000+0000"/>
            <!-- GP from CPR: Identified by ydernummer, could also be identified by SOR-id -->
                <id extension="123456" root=""
                <telecom use="WP" value="tel:+4512345678"/>
                <telecom value=""/>
                <addr use="H">
                    <streetAddressLine>Ydervej 42</streetAddressLine>

    <!-- The author of this document is the FSK on-demand-service, identified by SDS -->
        <!-- time is set to document creating time=effectiveTime above-->
        <time value="20190808160510+0200"/>
            <!-- id @root is set to SDS-root-->
            <id root="" extension="NI"/>

    <!-- The custodian of this document is the FSK on-demand-service, identified by SDS -->
                <!-- id @root is set to SDS-root-->
                <id root="" extension="NI"/>
    <!--This documentationOf holds the creation time of this CDA instance -->
                <low value="20190808160510+0200"/>
                <high nullFlavor="NA"/>
    <!--This documentationOf holds the version of the CDA-profile -->
            <!--This templateId tells that this serviceEvent holds the identification (pdc) and version (v2.0) of the CDA profile -->
            <templateId root="" extension="2019-09-10"/>
            <!--This id @extension equals the identification and version of the CDA profile-->
            <id root="" extension="pdc-v2.0" assigningAuthorityName="MedCom"/>

    <component typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true">
        <structuredBody classCode="DOCBODY" moodCode="EVN">
            <component typeCode="COMP" contextConductionInd="true">
                <section classCode="DOCSECT" moodCode="EVN">
                    <!-- Section templateId for additional information from registers and manually entered information-->
                    <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                        <paragraph>Øvrige oplysninger</paragraph>
                        <!--           <table border="1" width="100%"> -->
                        <table width="100%">
                                    <th>Kilde/Indtastet af</th>
                                    <th>Sidst ændret/Indtastet den</th>
                                    <td>Forældremyndighed over</td>
                                            <item>Mor til 9999999999: Peter Severin Knudsen</item>
                                            <item>Mor til 9999999998: Elsebeth Larsen</item>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Borgerens navn og adresse</td>
                                            <item>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</item>
                                            <item>Vedbæk Strandvej 464</item>
                                            <item>7000 Fredericia</item>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Registreret organdonor</td>
                                    <td>Dansk Center For Organdonation</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Registreret behandlingstestamente</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Registreret livstestamente</td>
                                    <td>Ikke oplyst</td>
                                    <td>Talt sprog, indtastet</td>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 16:03:10</td>
                                    <td>Midlertidig adresse, indtastet</td>
                                            <item>Periode: 2019-01-01 - 2020-01-01</item>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 16:02:10</td>
                                    <td>Tandlæge indtastet</td>
                                            <item>Jette Testesen</item>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 16:01:10</td>
                                    <td>Kontaktoplysninger, indtastet</td>
                                    <td>Nancy Berggren</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 15:59:10</td>
                                    <td>Pårørende, indtastet</td>
                                            <item>Naboen arbejder hos TDC i Sverige og kan træffes
                                                på arbejdstelefon i dagtimerne ml. 8 og 16.</item>
                                    <td>Bente Kirkegård Knudsen</td>
                                    <td>2019-08-08 15:58:10</td>
                    <!-- Custody information -->
                    <!-- This example shows how to specify a child whom the patient has Custody over -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of the patient's custody -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- observation templateId for custody -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="2267197b-cd9a-4c04-a4b0-cfd91e639f98" root=""/>
                            <code code="ChildCustody" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Forældremyndighed over"/>
                            <!-- Value representing the CPR of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="9999999999"
                            <!-- Value representing the name of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <!-- Value representing the relationship the patient has to the child of whom the patient have custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="mor" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Relation Codes" displayName="Mor"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is CPR -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to CPR-root-->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="CPR"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- This example shows how to specify a child whom the patient has Custody over -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of the patient's custody -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- observation templateId for custody -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="a5b5a9e5-6cf5-415d-a8c4-3c9e88dde53e" root=""/>
                            <code code="ChildCustody" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Forældremyndighed over"/>
                            <!-- Value representing the CPR of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="9999999998"
                            <!-- Value representing the name of the child of whom the patient has custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <!-- Value representing the relationship the patient has to the child of whom the patient have custody -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="mor" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Relation Codes" displayName="Mor"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is CPR -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to CPR-root-->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="CPR"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's name and address from CPR -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's name and address, from CPR -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's name and address, from CPR -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="2d537144-57f9-46a2-b323-c4bd6f6c1a60" root=""/>
                            <code code="CitizenNameAddr" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Borgerens navn og adresse"/>
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <value xsi:type="AD" use="H">
                                <streetAddressLine>Vedbæk Strandvej 464</streetAddressLine>
                            <!-- Author of this register information is CPR -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to CPR-root-->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="CPR"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's coverage group (Sygesikringsgruppe) from CPR -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's coverage group (Sygesikringsgruppe), from CPR -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's coverage group, from CPR -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="f7272633-2c06-4fee-9d81-1199f03ba569" root=""/>
                            <code code="CoverageGroup" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                            <!-- We need a correct OID for the following authority: Sygesikringen-->
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="1" assigningAuthorityName="Sygesikringen"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is sygesikringen -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to Sygesikringen -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Sygesikringen"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's Organ Donor Registration -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's Organ Donor Registration -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's Organ Donor Registration -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="bf5b7087-b8dd-41f3-91c8-d2e0a8955c3a" root=""/>
                            <code code="OrganDonorRegistration" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Registreret organdonor"/>
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="false"
                                 assigningAuthorityName="Dansk Center For Organdonation"/>
                            <!-- Author of this information is Danish Organ Donor Register -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to Danish Organ Donor Register -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Dansk Center For Organdonation"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                                        <name>Dansk Center For Organdonation</name>
                    <!-- The citizen's Treatment Will Registration -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's Treatment Will Registration -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's Treatment Will Registration -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="88423bf2-96c4-4df7-a36e-e55f7c02714b" root=""/>
                            <code code="TreatmentWillRegistration" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Registreret behandlingstestamente"/>
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="false"
                            <!-- Author of this information is a register at Sundhedsdatastyrelsen -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Sundhedsdatastyrelsen"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The citizen's Living Will Registration -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of citizen's Living Will Registration -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for citizen's Living Will Registration -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="7d2a50a0-dbf9-443c-8759-3574bed1dd1b" root=""/>
                            <code code="LivingWillRegistration" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Registreret livstestamente"/>
                            <value xsi:type="II" root="" extension="true"
                            <!-- Author of this information is register at Sundhedsdatastyrelsen -->
                                <!-- This templateId is the used when the author of information is a register -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <!-- time is unknown -->
                                <time nullFlavor="NI"/>
                                    <!-- id @root is set to Sundhedsdatastyrelsen -->
                                    <id root="" extension="NI" assigningAuthorityName="Sundhedsdatastyrelsen"/>
                                    <!-- representedOrganization is mandatory when we don't have an authorPerson -->
                    <!-- The patient's spoken language, typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of spoken language -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- observation templateId for spoken language, typed in -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="cacc53c5-2b59-4931-90a6-1bc612fc7674" root=""/>
                            <code code="LanguageTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Talt sprog, indtastet"/>
                            <!-- Value representing Spoken language -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="de" codeSystem="1.0.639.1"
                                codeSystemName="ISO-639-1" displayName="Tysk"/>
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808160310+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's temporary addres #1, typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of temporary address -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for typed in temporary adress -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="fef7306c-26dc-471b-a451-d217fc6c515b" root=""/>
                            <code code="TempAddrTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Midlertidig adresse, indtastet"/>
                                <low value="20190101000000+0100"/>
                                <high value="20200101000000+0100"/>
                            <value xsi:type="AD">
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808160210+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's temporary addres #2, typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of temporary address -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for typed in temporary adress -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="5a88844f-c012-4421-bf24-9528e590894a" root=""/>
                            <code code="TempAddrTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Midlertidig adresse, indtastet"/>
                                <low value="20190103000000+0100"/>
                                <high nullFlavor="NI"/>
                            <value xsi:type="AD">
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190909220710+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's dentist: Typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of Dentist information -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for typed in dentist -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="8f1d5b96-b16e-405d-a840-4e5bc87690ae" root=""/>
                            <code code="DentistTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Tandlæge indtastet"/>
                            <value xsi:type="EN">
                            <value xsi:type="AD">
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808160110+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                                    <assignedPerson classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
                    <!-- The patient's contact information, typed in-->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- observation of contact information -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId for patient contactinformation, typed in -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="95055cc4-39cc-4f77-99ae-300731c4522a" root=""/>
                            <code code="PatientContactTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Kontaktoplysninger, indtastet"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="H" value="tel:+4511223344"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="WP"
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="MC" value="tel:+4566774433"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="WP" value=""/>
                            <!-- Typed in by: -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808155910+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"
                    <!-- The patient's Relative's: Typed in -->
                    <entry typeCode="COMP">
                        <!-- Observation of Relative's name, phone numbers, Relation and note -->
                        <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                            <!-- Observation templateId identifying a typed in relative -->
                            <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                            <id extension="839697de-9660-4575-a3ac-61def6fb3474" root=""/>
                            <code code="RelativeTypedIn" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Message Codes"
                                displayName="Pårørende, indtastet"/>
                            <!-- The patient's Relative's name and phone numbers -->
                            <value xsi:type="PN">
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="H" value="tel:11223344"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="WP" value="tel:(46)-55667788-1234"/>
                            <value xsi:type="TEL" use="MC" value="tel:99001122"/>
                            <!-- The Relative's relation to the patient -->
                            <value xsi:type="CD" code="nabo" codeSystem=""
                                codeSystemName="MedCom Relation Codes" displayName="Nabo"/>
                            <!-- A note about the Relative -->
                            <value xsi:type="ST">Naboen arbejder hos TDC i Sverige og kan træffes på
                                arbejdstelefon i dagtimerne ml. 8 og 16.</value>
                            <!-- Typed in by: -->
                                <templateId root="" extension="2019-08-14"/>
                                <time value="20190808155810+0200"/>
                                    <id assigningAuthorityName="CPR" extension="2512484916"

Opdatering af Fælles Stamkort
