

Denne specifikation af snitfladen til administration af samtykke og spærringer beskriver de services, der leveres til henholdsvis sundhedsfalige og borgere, der ønsker at udføre administration (oprettelse, ændring, sletning) af samtykke eller spærring.


En MinSpærring registrering beskriver sammenhængen mellem:

en borger,

(what) information om hvad en MinSpærring omhandler.

(who) sundhedsfaglig person eller organisation der er oprettet MinSpærring for.

For en detaljeret beskrivelse af datamodellen for MinSpærring og strukturen af MinSpærring elementerne se MinSpærring - Data Model

En spærring betyder at borgeren har afvist at data identificeret via what kan tilgås af personer eller organisationer identificaeret via who.

Et samtykke betyder at sundhedsfaglige personer eller organisation, identificeret via. who, kan tilgå data identificeret via what. Dette selvom der er oprettet en eller flere spæringer. Et samtykke kan også bruges i eksterne systemer til at tillade en given gruppe af personer adgang til til følsomme data der ellers er blevet markeret som private.

En registrering er enten aktive eller inaktive. En aktive registrering kan påvirke en sundhedsfagligs adgagn til følsom data om en borger. En inaktiv registrering har ikke nogen påvirkning på nuværende spærringer eller samtykker, men er udelukkende historik for en tidligere aktiv spærring eller samtykke.

En spærring eller samtykke kan oprettes for en gyldighedsperiode (when) der angiver hvilken periode der er spærret eller givet samtykke til data. Gyldighedsperioden angiver udelukkende hvornår der laves opslag på data og siger ikke noget om hvornår data var registreret eller oprettet. Samtykke skal have en gyldighedsperiode. En spærring kræber kun en startdato.

En sundhedsfagligs adgang til følsom data for en specifik borger er ikke påvirket hvis den oprettede spærring eller samtykke er for en anden sundhedsfaglig eller organisation. Dette er f.eks. hvis der er oprettet en spærring for en anden sundhedsfaglig end den der forespørger på data.

Definitioner og referencer

Formålet med denne sektion er at give et overblik over definitioner og referencer anvendt i dette dokument.




National Sundheds IT


National Service Platform




Sundhedsvæsenets Organisationsregister


Security Token Service



DGWS 1.0

Den Gode Webservice 1.0

DGWS 1.0.1

Den Gode Webservice 1.0.1


Healthcare Service User Identification Header (SSE/11734/IFS/0018)


Guide til udvilkling og anvendelse af OIOWSDL,


OIO Namegivnings- og Designregler, OIO-NDR version 3.2,

Data Model

MinSpærring Data Model - MinSpærring Data Model



I dokumentet bruges begreberne autorisation og autoriseret primært i en sikkerhedskontekst, det vil sige i forståelsen af, at en person eller et system er autoriseret til at bruge en given ressource. Hvis begreberne anvendes på sundhedspersonale med dansk autorisation, der er anført i Sundhedsstyrelsens autorisationsregister, vil det blive udtrykkeligt angivet.

Et system, der bruger webservices beskrevet i dette dokument, referes som et anvendersystem.

Det antages at læseren har general forståelse for SOAP-basterede Web Services. Derfor er tekniske termer som SOAP, WSDL osv. ikke beskrevet. Kendskab til  Den Gode Webservice (DGWS) 1.0.1beskrevet i  [DGWS 1.0] og [DGWS 1.0.1] vil gøre forståelsen nemmere.

Dokument historik








Initial version.




Clarification and elaboration of Web service semantics (section 4).

Clarification of attributes for user identification and explicit consent scenario.

Specification of consent registration for foreign health professionals.




Clarification of how organization identification is based on SOR-code has been added to section 2.3 and 2.4.

Redundant information removed from section 3.2.2.

Clarification of how organization identification is based on SOR only has been corrected in section 5.5.




The user system responsibilities has been updated, SOAP-faults added, schemas updated, general improvements. Section 7 concerning WSDL added.




References to National Patient Index (NPI) removed.




Changed nsi:skscode to nsi:skskode and nsi:sorcode to nsi:sor to fit XML schema




Migrated to NSPOP SVN

22.10.2018KITDocument moved from Word to Confluence. Original document name was: IFS0013 Consent Administration Service Interface Description.docx

14.05.2020KITSDS-3883 Etablering af IDWS snitflade

22.10.2020KITSDS-3875 A new version of the interface has been added. This interface matches the underlying validations.

17.11.2020KITOversat til dansk

Bruger og anvendersystems ansvar

For nogle af brugsscenarierne (og dermed webserviceoperationerne) beskrevet i dette dokument er det tilladt for en anden person end borgeren selv at udføre handlingen (kaldet at udføre handlingen på borgerens vegne). I dette tilfælde er det anvendersystemets ansvar at sikre, at borgeren har givet sit samtykke til, at personen kan udføre denne handling, før den udføres.

Tilsvarende er det tilladt i visse brugsscenarier, at en sundhedsfaglig udfører handlingen på vegne af borgeren. Det er anvendersystemets ansvar at sikre, at borgeren har givet sit samtykke til, at den sundhedsfaglige har samtykke til at  udføre denne handling, inden den udføres.

Det er muligt via servicen at oprette to (eller flere) registreringer, der er identiske set fra borgernes synspunkt. For eksempel ved SOR-koder, der mappes til den samme afdeling, ved overlappende datoer eller simpelthen helt identiske registreringer.
Servicen kontrollerer ikke, om der oprettes identiske registreringer, og det er følgelig anvendersystemets ansvar at sikre, at der ikke oprettes nye registreringer, der er identiske med allerede eksisterende.

MinSpærring Administration Anvenderscenarier

I det følgende afsnit beskrives de brugsscenarier, som MinSpærring Administration understøtter.

En ny version af grænsefladen er tilføjet. I denne grænseflade er operationerne ConsentAdd og ConsentModify opdelt i to separate operationer - i alt fire operationer: ConsentAddPositiveV2, ConsentAddContraintV2, ConsentModifyPositiveV2, ConsentModifyConstraintV2

The following section describes the usage scenarios that the Web service for consent administration supports.

A new version of the interface has been added. In this interface the operations ConsentAdd and ConsentModify has been splitted into two seperate operations - four operations in total: ConsentAddPositiveV2, ConsentAddContraintV2, ConsentModifyPositiveV2, ConsentModifyConstraintV2

Health Professional Registers Consent in a Citizen’s Consent Registrations

A health professional is able to add positive and negative consent on behalf of the citizen to the citizen’s present consent registrations.

As the change entails an entry in the citizen’s Min-log, the citizen will be able to later learn this.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentAdd in the original version of the consent administration interface.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentAddPositiveV2 or ConsentAddConstraintV2 in the new version of the consent administration interface.

Citizen Retrieves an Overview of Present Consent Registrations

A citizen can retrieve a complete overview of the consents, that are registered for the citizen, whether they are registered by the citizen, a person on behalf of the citizen or by a health professional.

Another person than the citizen can, on behalf of the citizen, perform the activity. As the action entails an entry in the citizen’s Min-log, the citizen will later be able to learn of the action performed by the person.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentRegistrationsGet in the original version of the consent administration interface.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentRegistrationsGetV2 in the new version of the consent administration interface.

The result of the operation is a complete list of all active and inactive consent registrations for the citizen in question.

Registration of Negative Consent

A citizen can register negative consent covering:

  1. (what) Possibly everything in regard to (who) everybody or a specific (named) person provided by social security number.

  2. Or (what) selected information, originating from organization provided by SOR-code – with or without subordinate organizations - created in a certain period in respect to (who) everybody.

  3. (when) a validity period for the consent provided by start and end date, where end date is not a requirement.

Another person than the citizen can, on behalf of the citizen, perform the activity. As the action entails an entry in the citizen’s Min-log, the citizen will later be able to learn of the action performed by the person.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentAdd in the original version of the consent administration interface.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentAddPositiveV2 in the new version of the consent administration interface.

Registration of Positive Consent

A citizen can register positive consent covering:

  1. (what) Possibly everything in regard to (who) for a specific identified person provided by social security number or for an organization provided by SOR-code – with or without subordinate organization – or for foreign health professionals provided by positive marking.

  1. Or (what) selected information originating from a specific organization provided by SOR-code – with or without subordinate organization - created in a certain period in respect to (who) either a specific named person provided by social security number or for a specific organization provided by SOR-code – with or without subordinate organization.

  2. (when) a validity period for the consent provided by start and end time. The validity can at most cover one year.

The activity can be performed by a person other than the citizen, on behalf of the citizen. As the action entails an entry in the citizen’s Min-log, the citizen will be able to later learn of this person’s action.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentAdd in the original version of the consent administration interface.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentAddConstraintV2 in the new version of the consent administration interface.

Citizen Modifies Consent

A citizen can change one or more positive or negative consent registrations.

The activity can be performed by another person than the citizen, on behalf of the citizen. As the action entails an entry in the citizen’s Min-log, the citizen will be able to later learn of this person’s action.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentModify in the original version of the consent administration interface.

This usage scenario is supported by the operations ConsentModifyPositiveV2 or ConsentModifyConstraintV2 in the new version of the consent administration interface.

Citizen Nullifies Consent

A citizen can nullify positive and negative consent registrations.

The activity can be performed by another person than the citizen, on behalf of the citizen. As the action entails an entry in the citizen’s Min-log, the citizen will be able to later learn of this person’s action.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentRevoke in the original version of the consent administration interface.

This usage scenario is supported by the operation ConsentRevokeV2 in the new version of the consent administration interface.

Consent Administration Web Service

Reading Guide

The template below is used to document the operations that are offered in the Consent Administration Web Service. The most important elements for input and output are described in section 5.

Name: <operation header>


Description of the function’s purpose.


Input parameters.


Output parameters.

Error handling:

Description of error handling; typically refers to the general description of error handling in 4.7.


Description of necessary roles.


Description of prerequisites that must be met for the function to complete successfully.

Web Service - Consent_Administration (Original)

Operation – ConsentRegistrationsGet

Name: ConsentRegistrationsGet


Retrieves descriptions of all registrations of consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentRegistrationsGetRequest which consists of:

PatientPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier Identification of the citizen for which consent registrations are desired


ConsentRegistrationsGetResponse which consists of:

ConsentRegistrations Collection of all active and inactive consent registrations registered for citizen in question.

Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, person (on behalf of citizen)


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1.

Operation – ConsentAdd

Name: ConsentAdd


Adds active consent/active consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentAddRequest which consists of:

ConsentAdds Collection of descriptions of registrations of consents, that are to be added. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentAdds.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, health professional, person (on behalf of citizen).


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1. The operation is not idempotent and on repeated calls with identical parameters, multiple identical consents will be created (see section 1.6).

Operation – ConsentModify

Name: ConsentModify


Updates consent(s) from the collection of consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentModifyRequest which consists of:

ConsentModifications Collection of descriptions of consents, that are desired modified. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentModification.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, person (on behalf of the citizen)


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1.

Operation – ConsentRevoke

Name: ConsentRevoke


Revokes given consent(s) from the collection of consents applicable to the provided citizen. This takes place by inactivation of the revoked consents.


PatientConsentRevokeRequest which consists of:

ConsentRevocations Collection of descriptions of consents, that are to be revoked. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentRevocation.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.




Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1.

Web Service - Consent_Administration (V2)

Operation – ConsentRegistrationsGetV2

Name: ConsentRegistrationsGet


Retrieves descriptions of all registrations of consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentRegistrationsGetRequest which consists of:

PatientPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier Identification of the citizen for which consent registrations are desired


ConsentRegistrationsGetResponse which consists of:

ConsentRegistrations Collection of all active and inactive consent registrations registered for citizen in question.

Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, person (on behalf of citizen)


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1.

Operation – ConsentAddPositiveV2

Name: ConsentAddPositiveV2


Adds a positive active consent/active consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentAddPositiveV2Request which consists of:

ConsentAdds Collection of descriptions of registrations of consents, that are to be added. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentAdds.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, health professional, person (on behalf of citizen).


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1. The operation is not idempotent and on repeated calls with identical parameters, multiple identical consents will be created (see section 1.6).

Operation – ConsentAddConstraintV2

Name: ConsentAddPositiveV2


Adds a constraining active consent/active consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentAddConstraintV2Request which consists of:

ConsentAdds Collection of descriptions of registrations of consents, that are to be added. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentAdds.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, health professional, person (on behalf of citizen).


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1. The operation is not idempotent and on repeated calls with identical parameters, multiple identical consents will be created (see section 1.6).

Operation – ConsentModifyPositiveV2

Name: ConsentModifyPositiveV2


Updates consent(s) from the collection of consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentModifyPositiveV2Request which consists of:

ConsentModifications Collection of descriptions of consents, that are desired modified. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentModification.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, person (on behalf of the citizen)


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1.

Operation – ConsentModifyConstraintV2

Name: ConsentModifyConstraintV2


Updates consent(s) from the collection of consents applicable to given citizen.


ConsentModifyConstraintV2Request which consists of:

ConsentModifications Collection of descriptions of consents, that are desired modified. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentModification.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.


Citizen, person (on behalf of the citizen)


Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1.

Operation – ConsentRevokeV2

Name: ConsentRevoke


Revokes given consent(s) from the collection of consents applicable to the provided citizen. This takes place by inactivation of the revoked consents.


PatientConsentRevokeRequest which consists of:

ConsentRevocations Collection of descriptions of consents, that are to be revoked. Note that the citizen is identified in ConsentRevocation.



Error handling:

See section 4.7.




Both user system and user must be authenticated and authorized as described in section 4.2.1.

Consent Administration Web Service Semantics

Message Format

The Web service expects SOAP messages, where the SOAP header contains security header and Medcom header as required by DGWS 1.0.1, in addition to a Healthcare Service User Identification (HSUID) header.

Figure 1 SOAP message containing security header, Medcom header and HSUID header is used as message format.

The format of Security and Medcom headers are described in [DGWS 1.0] and [DGWS 1.0.1], while the format of the HSUID header is described in [HSUID-header].

Attributes in HSUID-header applied for user who is a citizen

When user of the service is a citizen, then the attributes in Table 1 from the HSUID-header are applied.

The element Attribute









Citizen’s social security number


Name of system owner of the user system


Name of the user system


Version of the user system


Name of organization responsible for operation of the user system

Table 1 Attributes in HSUID-header applied for user who is citizen.

Attributes in HSUID-header applied for user who is a health professional

When the user of the service is a health professional, then the attributes in Table 2 from the HSUID-header are applied.

The element Attribute









The health professional’s social security number







Identification of the organization that the health professional is affiliated with as user.

The attribute must be present at least once and may occur twice. With two occurrences, the organization can be identified by SOR-code and for instance SHAK-code


Social security number of the health professional under whose responsibility the user acts.

If this is the same person as the user, the same social security number is given


Authorization number listed in the National Board of Health authorization register for the health professional under whose responsibility the user acts.

If the user is a health professional without authorization number listed in the National Board of Health authorization register and not working under the responsibility of designated health person, e.g., a paramedic with special competence, the value "-" is indicated


Name of the system owner of the user system


Name of the user system


Version of the user system


Name of the organization responsible for operation of the user system.

Table 2 Attributes in the HSUID-header applied for user who is a health professional.

The identification of the organization for which the user is associated, may be provided as a single value and a single format, such as SHAK-code:

<hsuid:Attribute Name="nsi:OrgUsingID" NameFormat="nsi:skskode">

Alternatively, the organization of which the user is affiliated can be specified by two values, e.g. as both SOR and SHAK-code:

<hsuid:Attribute Name="nsi:OrgUsingID" NameFormat="nsi:sor">
<hsuid:Attribute Name="nsi:OrgUsingID" NameFormat="nsi:skskode">

Note that it is the consumer system's responsibility to ensure that there is consistency between the given ID across SOR, SHAK, and Healthcare Provider Number (Danish: ydernummer) classification systems.

Web Service Security

The security of this Web service is based on the SOSI integration pattern in Den Gode Webservice (DGWS). Authentication is carried out by a trusted third party component on NSP (Security Token Service) and based on OCES digital certificates. As a rule, the service requires authentication with the STS component based on employee signature (MOCES). However, highly trusted systems - initially only Health journal - can during a transitional period gain access by level 3 based on company signature (VOCES).

Additional security aspects, including authorization, integrity, confidentiality, availability and privacy considerations are enforced to only some extent by the technical service. The aspects that are not currently handled by the technical service will be handled in the service agreement, as specified by the data-responsible authority (NSI), which consumers of the service must agree to.

Authentication and authorization

Authentication and authorization of consumer systems

When STS’ signature of the ID card has been validated successfully, then the consumer has been authenticated and a IDWS security context ticket is provided to the service.

Authorization of consumer system is performed using a whitelist in the web service based on information in the system-part of the ID card.

Authentication of user

When the user system is authenticated and authorized, the user is authenticated by the HSUID header attribute nsi: ActingUserCivilRegistrationNumber.

Authorisation of user

Whether the user is health professional or citizen is determined from either the IDWS ticket or the HSUID header attribute nsi: UserType.

Web service operation(s), where the user is health professional

The Web service authorizes all users who are health professionals to use its operations.

Web service operation(s), where the user is the citizen or a citizen, acting on behalf of another

The Web service authorize all users who are citizens to use its operations.

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the person is allowed to act on behalf of the citizen.

Timeout on ID card

A request with ID card is rejected when it has been more than 24 hours since the beginning of the ID card validity period.

Status Code

As required by DGWS 1.0.1, only HTTP-status codes 200 and 500 are used.

On HTTP status code 200 FlowStatus is always flow_finalized_succesfully.

Timeout on Web Service Operation

Timeout on web service-operations is the same as default timeout on the NSP platform.


Each request is handled in its own session.

No check is performed whether MessageID in request has been received previously and no answer is guaranteed if a request with the same MessageID is received.

This deviates from DGWS 1.0.1 in regard to handling of retransmission.

Assignment and reuse respectively of flow ID

If the request contains a flow ID, it is reused in possible forward calls to Min-log. Handling of flow ID complies with DGWS 1.0.1.

Processing of Request for Non-repudiation

Digital signing of replies is not supported. On request for non-repudiation, a fault-error message is returned as described in [DGWS 1.0].

Error Handling

SOAP errors

SOAP errors are returned with the components as described hereinafter.  A structure has been chosen wherein both standard error codes as described in [DGWS 1.0] and service specific error codes can be returned.

         <faultstring>Description of the error</faultstring>
            <FaultInfo xsi:type="ns2:dgwsInfo" xmlns="urn:dk:nsi:consent:admin:service:1" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="">

Code listing 1 Structure of SOAP-errors returned from the Web service operation. The example shows FaultCode used when the ID card has expired.

SOAP Fault Status Codes

For all Web service operations described in section 3 will be used SOAP Fault with FaultCode-values as listed in Table 3, originating from DGWS 1.0.1.




One or more mandatory DGWS headers are missing in the enclosed message, e.g. ID card, which must always be provided.


Authentication or authorization error. Invalid choice of security level.


Authentication or authorization error. Error in SOSI ID card.


Authentication or authorization error. Certificate is not OCES or expired.


Authentication or authorization error. SOSI ID expired or too old for this Web service provider.


User has insufficient rights to perform the Web service operation call. E.g., company registration number is not on whitelist.


Web service provider system cannot provide a digital signature on the reply.

Table 3 Applied FaultCode-values originating from DGWS 1.0.1

Additionally, Web service specific FaultCode values as listed in Table 4 are used.




An internal server error has occurred in connection with consent database communication


The consent contained invalid values or compulsory values were not provided


An internal server error has occurred in connection with lookup in the SOR-table


The service was called with invalid parameters:

The attached HSUID-header is invalid.

Consents for more than one citizen has been attached

A health professional attempts to retrieve, modify or delete consents


A error occurred when trying to log this action in the citizen’s ’Min-log’


An attached date has invalid format, cf. DGWS 1.0.1.
All dates must be provided in UTC-time (Zulu).


An unknown server error resulted in failed call

Table 4 Applied service-specific FaultCode values

In WSDL, that describes the Web service described in this document, these SOAP Fault status codes are not specified for every operation.

Web Service Input Validation

It is validated that:

There following is not performed:


Consent administration service is based on the following standards:

  1. SOAP version 1.1

  2. Soap Fault version 1.1

  3. WS-I Basic Profile 1.1

  4. OIO naming and design rules

  5. DGWS 1.0.1, with the exception of requirements regarding retransmission and control of reuse of message ID as described in section 4.5.1, and with the exception of structure used on errors as described in section 4.7.

Consent Administration Web Service Schemas

This section provides a general description of the key elements in the XML schemas that together with WSDL define the Web service operations described in section 3.2. Where existing OIO-type is identified, it is provided in the parenthesis after the element name. Additionally, cardinality is provided when an element is not compulsory.





The citizen’s social security number


Unique identification of consent


True if positive or negative


Description of which sensitive data the consent concerns.

Who [0..1]

Description of which individual health professionals or health organizations the consent covers.


Validity period beginning of consent. This is only a date and not a timestamp.

ValidTo [0..1]

Validity period end of consent.

This is only a date and not a timestamp.





Identification of specific health organization, possibly with subordinate organization, from which data originates


Whether data from subordinate departments for the stated organization, are also included in the consent

ReferralStartDate [0..1]

Start date from when data is applicable.

ReferralEndDate [0..1]

End date from when data is applicable.





Identification of a specific health professional by social security number



Identification of specific health organization, possibly having subordinate organization



Indicates with value true that the consent covers foreign health professionals.


Whether data for subordinate departments for the stated organization are also included in the consent. Only relevant if OrganizationIdentifier has been filled-in.





Collection of ConsentItem.





Collection of ConsentItem.





Collection of ConsentItem





Collection of ConsentItem.



For consent administration, the interface between the actor systems and consent verification is versioned.

The interface specification constitutes the contract that defines how the involved systems must act.

The interface specification consists of:


As part of the WSDL for ConsentAdministration are headers defined and versioned elsewhere. The body is specific for ConsentAdministration and follows the naming


where the version changes on redefinition of the ConsentAdministration interface.


WSDL for the service can be obtained by runtime WSDL-generation towards a deployed service. If the service in NSP test environment cannot be accessed with a view to runtime WSDL-generation, then a locally built and deployed service can be used.