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Følgende typer WARN indgange kan ignoreres:

Code Block
15:37:29,720 WARN WARN  [] (MSC service thread 1-14) JBAS015960: Class Path entry activation.jar in /content/fibs.war/WEB-INF/lib/mail-1.4.jar jar  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

15:37:29,730 WARN WARN  [] (MSC service thread 1-14) JBAS015960: Class Path entry xercesImpl.jar in /content/fibs.war/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.0.jar jar  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

15:37:29,730 WARN WARN  [] (MSC service thread 1-14) JBAS015960: Class Path entry xml-apis.jar in /content/fibs.war/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.0.jar jar  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

15:37:29,730 WARN WARN  [] (MSC service thread 1-14) JBAS015960: Class Path entry serializer.jar in /content/fibs.war/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-2.7.0.jar jar  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

15:37:29,931 WARN WARN  [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS011006: Not installing optional component org.springframework.http.server.ServletServerHttpAsyncRequestControl due to an exception (enable DEBUG log level to see the cause)

15:37:29,931 WARN WARN  [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS011006: Not installing optional component org.springframework.web.context.request.async.StandardServletAsyncWebRequest due to an exception (enable DEBUG log level to see the cause)

15:37:30,512 WARN WARN  [org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils] (MSC service thread 1-6) [JAXWS] - unable to load org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers.GenericProviderDispatcher

15:37:30,512 WARN WARN  [org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils] (MSC service thread 1-6) [JAXWS] - unable to load org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers.MustUnderstandValidationDispatcher

15:37:30,513 WARN WARN  [org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils] (MSC service thread 1-6) [JAXWS] - unable to load org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers.MustUnderstandChecker

15:37:30,513 WARN WARN  [org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils] (MSC service thread 1-6) [JAXWS] - unable to load org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers.GenericProviderDispatcher

15:37:30,513 WARN WARN  [org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils] (MSC service thread 1-6) [JAXWS] - unable to load org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatchers.MustUnderstandValidationDispatcher

Vejledning til opsætning af Java keystore til signering

FIBS signerer alle udgående beskeder og skal konfigureres med et Java keystore indeholdende nøgleparret der skal benyttes til signering. For en test-installation af FIBS ligger der allerede et sådan keystore indeholdende et nøglepar hvor certifikatet er blevet white-listet i Kirkeministeriets eksterne test-miljø for jordemoderservicen. I en produktions-installation skal der derimod konfigureres et keystore ved at følge følgende skridt:

  1. Importér det FOCES nøglepar som NSI har fået udstedt til formålet til et Java keystore ved hjælp af Java’s keytool kommando-linie værktøj. Nøgleparret skal gemmes under aliaset fibs. Kommando bliver noget i stil med nedenstående:

    Code Block
    keytool -importkeystore -v -srckeystore <foces src.pkcs12>
    -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass <src password> -srcalias <src alias> -destkeystore keystore-prod.jks -deststorepass <dest password> -destalias fibs -srckeypass <src keypass> -destkeypass <dest keypass>
  2. Flyt det generede keystore keystore-prod.jks til $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/fibs/.

  3. Ret de to properties dk.rsd.fibs.crypto.keyStorePassword og dk.rsd.fibs.crypto.keyStore.aliasPassword i $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/fibs/ til at matche de valgte passwords.
