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Først logges der ind i gateway'en. Der bruges en WCF service reference, SosiGWFacadeClient, der er lavet ud fra en WSDL fil:

Code Block
public static async Task LoginToGateway(IdCard idCard, X509Certificate2 userCert)
    var sosiGwAssertion = idCard.GetAssertion<AssertionType>();
    var security = new GW.Security
        Timestamp = new GW.Timestamp { Created = DateTimeEx.UtcNowRound - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) },
        Assertion = sosiGwAssertion
    const string endpointAddress = "";
    using var gwClient = new SosiGWFacadeClient(SosiGWSoapBinding, endpointAddress);
    var dig = (await gwClient.requestIdCardDigestForSigningAsync(security, "whatever")).requestIdCardDigestForSigningResponse;
    var digestHash = SHA1.HashData(dig.DigestValue);
    var signature = userCert.GetRSAPrivateKey().SignHash(digestHash, HashAlgorithmName.SHA1, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
    var cardRequestBody = new signIdCardRequestBody
        SignatureValue = signature,
        KeyInfo = new GW.KeyInfo
            Item = new GW.X509Data { Item = userCert.Export(X509ContentType.Cert) }
    // The STS signed card is saved in the sosiGw cache and is used for future calls through the proxy
    var res = (await gwClient.signIdCardAsync(security, cardRequestBody)).signIdCardResponse;
    if (res != signIdCardResponse.ok) { throw new Exception("Gateway logon error"); }
    // Convert the GW Assertion to a dgwsType Assertion
    var sosiGwAssertionDocument = SerializerUtil.Serialize(sosiGwAssertion).Root;
    SerializerUtil.Deserialize<Assertion>(sosiGwAssertionDocument, typeof(AssertionType).Name);


Herefter kan ID kort ombyttes til SAML tokens med 'Sosi2SamlStsClient':
