Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents



Denne guide har som formål at give et overblik over, hvordan CAVE servicen kaldes.
Guiden indeholder beskrivelse af de relevante dele af snitfladen. 


Dette dokument er henvendt til udviklere og arkitekter der skal anvende CAVE  servicen. 

Det forventes at læseren har et kendskab til REST services, da snitfladen er en REST snitflade.

Dokument historik

5/2-2018KvalitetsITInitiel version

Definitioner og referencer

RESTRepresentational State Transfer
FHIRFast Health Interoperability Resources
HAPIHAPI-FHIR - Open Source FHIR implementation in Java

Brug af CAVE service

CAVE servicen udstiller en REST snitflade. Installation af CAVE servicen er lavet sådan, at det kun er LAR, der kan kalde CAVE servicen. 


CAVE servicen implementerer FHIR standarden. FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources) er en standard, der beskriver dataformater og et API til udveksling af sundhedsoplysnigner. API'et beskriver et REST api til at læse, opdatere, søge osv. Dataformaterne beskriver alle de typer af data, som FHIR standarden understøtter. Der understøttes en lang række af forskellige typer af data, og i forhold til CAVE servicen er det primært AllergyIntolerance, der anvendes. I CAVE servicen er det FHIR version 4.0, der anvendes. For yderlige information omkring fhir henvises til

CAVE servicen er en implemtering af FHIR standarden, og API'et er derfor standard FHIR. I snitfladebeskrivelsen er kun beskrevet de dele, der er anvendt i forhold til LAR servicen. For yderlige detaljer henvises til FHIR standarden. 

Read allergy intolerance uden historik


For at læse AllergyIntolerance oplysninger anvendes et HTTP Get kald. En række query parametre udgør søgekriterierne. Parametrene er standard FHIR parametre. 


identifierUnik identifier for registreringen. Er altid i UUID formatet.


Status på registreringen. Er enten Active, Inactive eller Resolved


Altid confirmed da LAR servicen altid sender confirmed.
typeAltid allergy da LAR servicen altid sender allergy.
categoryAltid medication da LAR servicen altid sender medication.
criticalityKritikalitet af allergien. Er enten low, high eller unnable-to-assess.
codeSubstans eller tekstuel beskrivelse af substans som allergien drejer sig om. Består

Code skal indeholde et eller to elementer.
Der skal være et element der består  af en kode og et system eller en beskrivende tekst. System kan være oid for ATC kode og koden er så en specifik ATC kode.
Det andet element er ikke obligatorisk og består af en kode og et system. System skal være oid for drug id og koden er så et specifikt drug id. 
patientReference til Patient ressourcen.
onsetDateTimeTidspunkt allergien er identificeret.


Reference til PractitionerRole ressourcen. PractitionerRole angiver organization og sundhedsfaglig person der har oprettet data.
noteTekst note
reaction.manifestationReaktion på allergien. Består af:
  • manifestation: Code og system for reaktionen. System er oid for SKS.
  • manifestationDescription: Tekstuel beskrivelse.
reaction.onsetTidspunkt hvor reaktionen er observeret.
reaction.severityHvor alvorlig reaktionen er. Enten Mild, moderate eller severe.
meta.lastUpdatedTidspunktet for, hvornår allergien sidste var opdateret
meta.versionIdAllergiens versionsnummer. Denne skal anvendes når en resource skal opdateres. Kun nyeste version kan opdateres
PractitionerReference til Practitioner ressourcen.
OrganizationReference til Organization ressourcen.


StatusCodeStatus kode på forespørgselen.Ja
StatusTextStatus tekst svarende til status koden.Ja


Read allergy intolerance


med historik


For at læse AllergyIntolerance oplysninger med historik anvendes et HTTP Get kald. Der hentes historik for en allergi ad gangen vha. allergiens id - i følgende markeret med rødt.



Svaret på ovenstående query består af en FHIR bundle. Der returneres kun resource typen AllergyIntolerance i bundlet. Se afsnittet med read allergy intolerance uden historik for denne resources indhold. For hver af versionerne af allergien skal de øvrige resourcer (Patient, PractitionerRole, Practitioner, Organization) læses selvstændigt.

Register allergy intolerance

Registrering af medicinintolerens sker med HTTP Post kald til CAVE servicen. Body består af en FHIR bundle med nedenstående ressourcer. Alle ressourcerne er standard FHIR ressourcer. 

  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Patient
  • PractitionerRole
  • Practitioner
  • Organization

Beskrivelse af de anvendte felter er den samme som når der læses data. Derfor er der ikke seperat beskrivelse af de enkelte felter. 

Der er 2 undtagelser, der ikke sendes med ind ved en registering af allergi i forhold til hvad der læses

  • meta.lastUpdated
  • meta.versionId. 

Opdater allergy intolerance

Opdatering af medicinintolerens sker med HTTP Post kald til CAVE servicen. Body består af en FHIR bundle med nedenstående ressourcer. Alle ressourcerne er standard FHIR ressourcer. 

  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Patient
  • PractitionerRole
  • Practitioner
  • Organization

Beskrivelse af de anvendte felter er den samme som når der læses data. Derfor er der ikke seperat beskrivelse af de enkelte felter. 

Der er 2 undtagelser

  • meta.lastUpdated. Den opdateres automatisk. 
  • id. Denne skal medsendes ved en opdatering (Findes på den eksisterende allergi, der læses først: allergyIntolerance.getIdElement().getIdPart())

Conformance statement

FHIR conformance statement er måden en FHIR service udstiller sin snitflade. Nedenstående er CAVE servicens conformance statement.

Code Block
  "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
  "status": "active",
  "date": "2019-03-01T10:12:17+01:00",
  "publisher": "Not provided",
  "kind": "instance",
  "software": {
    "name": "HAPI FHIR Server",
    "version": "3.7.0"
  "implementation": {
    "description": "HAPI FHIR",
    "url": ""
  "fhirVersion": "4.0.0",
  "format": [
  "rest": [
      "mode": "server",
      "resource": [
          "type": "AllergyIntolerance",
          "profile": "",
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read"
              "code": "vread"
              "code": "update"
              "code": "patch"
              "code": "delete"
              "code": "history-instance"
              "code": "history-type"
              "code": "create"
              "code": "search-type"
          "conditionalCreate": true,
          "conditionalUpdate": true,
          "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "name": "_content",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
              "name": "_has",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
              "name": "_id",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "The ID of the resource"
              "name": "_language",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "The language of the resource"
              "name": "_lastUpdated",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
              "name": "_profile",
              "type": "uri",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"
              "name": "_security",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given security labels"
              "name": "_tag",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given tag"
              "name": "_text",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"
              "name": "asserter",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Source of the information about the allergy"
              "name": "category",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "food | medication | environment | biologic"
              "name": "clinical-status",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "active | inactive | resolved"
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance"
              "name": "criticality",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "low | high | unable-to-assess"
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "Date first version of the resource instance was recorded"
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "External ids for this item"
              "name": "last-date",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction"
              "name": "manifestation",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event"
              "name": "onset",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "Date(/time) when manifestations showed"
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Who the sensitivity is for"
              "name": "recorder",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Who recorded the sensitivity"
              "name": "route",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "How the subject was exposed to the substance"
              "name": "severity",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "mild | moderate | severe (of event as a whole)"
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "allergy | intolerance - Underlying mechanism (if known)"
              "name": "verification-status",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "unconfirmed | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error"
          "type": "OperationDefinition",
          "profile": "",
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read"
          "type": "Organization",
          "profile": "",
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read"
              "code": "vread"
              "code": "update"
              "code": "patch"
              "code": "delete"
              "code": "history-instance"
              "code": "history-type"
              "code": "create"
              "code": "search-type"
          "conditionalCreate": true,
          "conditionalUpdate": true,
          "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "name": "_content",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
              "name": "_has",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
              "name": "_id",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "The ID of the resource"
              "name": "_language",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "The language of the resource"
              "name": "_lastUpdated",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
              "name": "_profile",
              "type": "uri",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"
              "name": "_security",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given security labels"
              "name": "_tag",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given tag"
              "name": "_text",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"
              "name": "active",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Is the Organization record active"
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"
              "name": "address-city",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A city specified in an address"
              "name": "address-country",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A country specified in an address"
              "name": "address-postalcode",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A postal code specified in an address"
              "name": "address-state",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A state specified in an address"
              "name": "address-use",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "A use code specified in an address"
              "name": "endpoint",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization"
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Any identifier for the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifier)"
              "name": "name",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name or alias"
              "name": "partof",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "An organization of which this organization forms a part"
              "name": "phonetic",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "A code for the type of organization"
          "type": "Patient",
          "profile": "",
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read"
              "code": "vread"
              "code": "update"
              "code": "patch"
              "code": "delete"
              "code": "history-instance"
              "code": "history-type"
              "code": "create"
              "code": "search-type"
          "conditionalCreate": true,
          "conditionalUpdate": true,
          "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "name": "_content",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
              "name": "_has",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
              "name": "_id",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "The ID of the resource"
              "name": "_language",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "The language of the resource"
              "name": "_lastUpdated",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
              "name": "_profile",
              "type": "uri",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"
              "name": "_security",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given security labels"
              "name": "_tag",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given tag"
              "name": "_text",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"
              "name": "active",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Whether the patient record is active"
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"
              "name": "address-city",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A city specified in an address"
              "name": "address-country",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A country specified in an address"
              "name": "address-postalcode",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A postalCode specified in an address"
              "name": "address-state",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A state specified in an address"
              "name": "address-use",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "A use code specified in an address"
              "name": "birthdate",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "The patient's date of birth"
              "name": "death-date",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value"
              "name": "deceased",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered"
              "name": "email",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "A value in an email contact"
              "name": "family",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A portion of the family name of the patient"
              "name": "gender",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Gender of the patient"
              "name": "general-practitioner",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record"
              "name": "given",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A portion of the given name of the patient"
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "A patient identifier"

Registrering af medicinintolerens sker med HTTP Post kald til CAVE servicen. Body består af en FHIR bundle med nedenstående ressourcer. Alle ressourcerne er standard FHIR ressourcer. 

  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Patient
  • PractitionerRole
  • Practitioner
  • Organization

Beskrivelse af de anvendte felter er den samme som når der læses data. Derfor er der ikke seperat beskrivelse af de enkelte felter. 

Conformance statement

FHIR conformance statement er måden en FHIR service udstiller sin snitflade. Nedenstående er CAVE servicens conformance statement.

Code Block
  "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
  "status": "active",
  "date": "2019-03-01T10:12:17+01:00",
  "publisher": "Not provided",
  "kind": "instance",
  "software": {
    "name": "HAPI FHIR Server",
    "version": "3.7.0"
  "implementation": {
    "description": "HAPI FHIR",
    "url": ""
  "fhirVersion": "4.0.0",
  "format": [
  "rest": [
      "mode": "server",
      "resource": [
          "typename": "AllergyIntolerancelanguage",
              "profiletype": "",
              "interactiondocumentation": [ "Language code (irrespective of use value)"
  "code": "read"
            }"name": "link",
              {"type": "reference",
              "codedocumentation": "vreadAll patients linked to the given patient"
              "codename": "updatename",
            }  "type": "string",
              "documentation": "A server defined {
search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including  "code": "patchfamily, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"
              "codename": "deleteorganization",
  "type": "reference",
     "documentation": "The organization that is the custodian of the "code": "history-instancepatient record"
              "codename": "history-typephone",
  "type": "token",
     "documentation": "A value in a phone    "code": "create"contact"
              "codename": "search-typephonetic",
  "type": "string",
          "conditionalCreatedocumentation": true,
"A          "conditionalUpdate": true,
          "conditionalDelete": "multiple",portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"
          "searchInclude": [  },
              "AllergyIntolerance:assertername": "telecom",
              "type"AllergyIntolerance:patient "token",
              "AllergyIntolerancedocumentation":recorder "
The value in any kind of telecom details of the ],patient"
          "searchParam": [  }
       "name": "_content",
             "type": "stringPractitioner",
              "documentationprofile": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search""",
          "interaction": [
  "code": "read"
           "name": "_has" },
              "type": "string",{
              "documentationcode": "Return resources linked to by the given targetvread"
              "namecode": "_idupdate",
              "type": "token",},
              "documentationcode": "The ID of the resourcepatch"
              "namecode": "_languagedelete",
   "type": "string",         {
              "documentationcode": "The language of the resourcehistory-instance"
              "namecode": "_lastUpdatedhistory-type",
              "type": "date"},
  "documentation": "Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"code": "create"
              "namecode": "_profilesearch-type",
              "type": "uri",}
    "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"
            } "conditionalCreate": true,
    "conditionalUpdate": true,
          "nameconditionalDelete": "_securitymultiple",
              "typesearchInclude": "token",[
  "Search for resources which have the given security labels"],
            },"searchParam": [
              "name": "_tagcontent",
              "type": "tokenstring",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given tag the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
              "name": "_texthas",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "SearchReturn resources thelinked contentsto ofby the resource's narrative using a fulltext searchgiven target"
              "name": "asserter_id",
              "type": "referencetoken",
              "documentation": "SourceThe ID of the information about the allergyresource"
              "name": "category_language",
              "type": "tokenstring",
              "documentation": "foodThe |language medicationof | environment | biologicthe resource"
              "name": "clinical-status_lastUpdated",
              "type": "tokendate",
              "documentation": "active | inactive | resolvedOnly return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
              "name": "code_profile",
              "type": "tokenuri",
              "documentation": "Code that identifiesSearch for resources which have the allergygiven or intoleranceprofile"
              "name": "criticality_security",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "low | high | unable-to-assessSearch for resources which have the given security labels"
              "name": "date_tag",
              "type": "datetoken",
              "documentation": "DateSearch for firstresources versionwhich ofhave the resource instance was recordedgiven tag"
              "name": "identifier_text",
              "type": "tokenstring",
              "documentation": "External ids for this itemSearch the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"
              "name": "last-dateactive",
              "type": "datetoken",
              "documentation": "Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reactionWhether the practitioner record is active"
              "name": "manifestationaddress",
              "type": "tokenstring",
              "documentation": "Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the EventA server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"
              "name": "onsetaddress-city",
              "type": "datestring",
              "documentation": "Date(/time) when manifestations showedA city specified in an address"
              "name": "patientaddress-country",
              "type": "referencestring",
              "documentation": "WhoA country thespecified sensitivityin isan foraddress"
              "name": "recorderaddress-postalcode",
              "type": "referencestring",
              "documentation": "Who recorded the sensitivityA postalCode specified in an address"
              "name": "routeaddress-state",
              "type": "tokenstring",
              "documentation": "HowA thestate subjectspecified wasin exposed to the substancean address"
              "name": "severityaddress-use",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "mildA |use moderatecode |specified severein (of event as a whole)an address"
              "name": "typecommunication",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "allergy | intolerance - Underlying mechanism (if known)One of the languages that the practitioner can communicate with"
              "name": "verification-statusemail",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "unconfirmedA |value confirmedin |an refuted | entered-in-erroremail contact"
          ]  {
      "name": "family",
          "type": "OperationDefinitionstring",
              "profiledocumentation": "",A portion of the family name"
          "interaction": [  },
              "codename": "readgender",
     "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Gender of the practitioner"
   "type": "Organization",
          "profilename": "",
              "interactiontype": ["string",
  "documentation": "A portion of the        "code": "read"given name"
              "codename": "vreadidentifier",
            {"type": "token",
              "codedocumentation": "updateA practitioner's Identifier"
              "codename": "patchname",
              } "type": "string",
  "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string "code": "delete"
            },fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"
              "code": "history-instance"
              }"name": "phone",
            {  "type": "token",
              "codedocumentation": "history-typeA value in a phone contact"
              "codename": "createphonetic",
             } "type": "string",
  "documentation": "A portion of either family or given name using some kind  "code": "search-typeof phonetic matching algorithm"
    "conditionalCreate": true,
          "conditionalUpdatename": true"telecom",
              "conditionalDeletetype": "multipletoken",
              "searchIncludedocumentation": [
"The value in any kind of contact"
          "searchParamtype": ["PractitionerRole",
    "profile": "",
          "nameinteraction": "_content",[
              "type": "string",{
              "documentationcode": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext searchread"
              "namecode": "_hasvread",
  "type": "string",
       "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"code": "update"
              "namecode": "_idpatch",
       "type": "token",     {
              "documentationcode": "The ID of the resourcedelete"
              "namecode": "_languagehistory-instance",
          "type": "string",  {
              "documentationcode": "The language of the resourcehistory-type"
              "namecode": "_lastUpdatedcreate",

           "type": "date", {
              "documentationcode": "Onlysearch-type"
 return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"}
  "conditionalCreate": true,
            "nameconditionalUpdate": "_profile"true,
              "typeconditionalDelete": "urimultiple",
          "searchInclude": [
    "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"*",
            "name": "_securityPractitionerRole:organization",
              "type"PractitionerRole: practitioner"token",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given security labels"PractitionerRole:service"
            },"searchParam": [
              "name": "_tagcontent",
              "type": "tokenstring",
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given tag the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
              "name": "_texthas",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "SearchReturn resources thelinked contentsto ofby the resource's narrative using a fulltext searchgiven target"
              "name": "active_id",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "IsThe theID Organizationof recordthe activeresource"
              "name": "address_language",
              "type": "string",
              "documentation": "AThe server defined search that may match any language of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or textresource"
              "name": "address-city_lastUpdated",
              "type": "stringdate",
              "documentation": "A city specified in an addressOnly return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
              "name": "address-country_profile",
              "type": "stringuri",
              "documentation": "A country specified in an addressSearch for resources which have the given profile"
              "name": "address-postalcode_security",
              "type": "stringtoken",
              "documentation": "A postal code specified in an addressSearch for resources which have the given security labels"
              "name": "address-state_tag",
              "type": "stringtoken",
              "documentation": "A state specified in an addressSearch for resources which have the given tag"
              "name": "address-use_text",
              "type": "tokenstring",
              "documentation": "A use code specified in an addressSearch the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"
              "name": "endpointactive",
              "type": "referencetoken",
              "documentation": "TechnicalWhether endpointsthis providingpractitioner accessrole torecord servicesis operatedin foractive the organizationuse"
              "name": "identifierdate",
              "type": "tokendate",
              "documentation": "AnyThe period identifierduring forwhich the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifierpractitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)"
              "name": "nameemail",
              "type": "stringtoken",
              "documentation": "A portionvalue ofin thean organization's name or aliasemail contact"
              "name": "partofendpoint",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "An organization of which this organization forms a partTechnical endpoints providing access to services operated for the practitioner with this role"
              "name": "phoneticidentifier",
              "type": "stringtoken",
              "documentation": "A portion of the organizationpractitioner's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithmIdentifier"
              "name": "typelocation",
              "type": "tokenreference",
              "documentation": "A code for the type of organizationOne of the locations at which this practitioner provides care"
          ]  {
    "name": "organization",
          "type": "Patientreference",
              "profiledocumentation": "",
          "interaction": [The identity of the organization the practitioner represents / acts on behalf of"
  "code": "read"
            }"name": "phone",
               {"type": "token",
              "codedocumentation": "vreadA value in a phone contact"
              "codename": "updatepractitioner",
            }  "type": "reference",
  "documentation": "Practitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization"code": "patch"
              "codename": "deleterole",
  "type": "token",
     "documentation": "The practitioner can perform this role at for "code":the organization"history-instance"
              "codename": "history-typeservice",
             } "type": "reference",
  "documentation": "The list of healthcare services that this worker provides for this  "code": "create"role's Organization/Location(s)"
              "codename": "search-typespecialty",
    "type": "token",
          "conditionalCreatedocumentation": true,
"The practitioner has this specialty at an    "conditionalUpdate": true,
           "conditionalDelete": "multiple" },
          "searchInclude": [
            "Patient:general-practitionername": "telecom",
              "type"Patient:link "token",
              "Patientdocumentation":organization "
The value in any kind of contact"
          "searchParam": [}
        "name": "_content",
            "type": "stringStructureDefinition",
              "documentationprofile": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"",
            },"interaction": [
              "namecode": "_hasread",
    "type": "string",
       "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"code": "search-type"
      "name": "_id"],
      "interaction": [
       "type": "token",
          "documentationcode": "The ID of the resourcetransaction"
      "operation": [
       "name": "_language", {
              "typename": "stringmeta",
              "documentationdefinition": "The language of the resourceOperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance--meta"
              "name": "_lastUpdatedmeta",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-meta"
       "type": "date" },
          "documentationname": "Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-meta-add"
              "name": "_profilemeta-delete",
              "typedefinition": "uri",
          "documentationname": "validate"Search,
 for resources which have the given profile"
   "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance--validate"
              "name": "_securityvalidate",
              "typedefinition": "token",
          "documentationname": "expunge"Search,
 for resources which have the given security labels"
  "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance--expunge"
              "name": "_tagexpunge",
              "typedefinition": "token"OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-expunge"
          "documentationname": "meta"Search,
 for resources which have the given tag"
   "definition": "OperationDefinition/Organization--meta"
              "name": "_textmeta",
              "typedefinition": "string",
        "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"{
          "name": "meta-add",
            },"definition": "OperationDefinition/Organization-i-meta-add"
          "name": "activemeta-delete",
              "typedefinition": "token"OperationDefinition/Organization-i-meta-delete"
     "documentation": "Whether the patient record is active""name": "validate",
            },"definition": "OperationDefinition/Organization--validate"
          "name": "addressvalidate",
              "typedefinition": "string",
       "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text {
          "name": "expunge",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Organization--expunge"
              "name": "address-cityexpunge",
              "typedefinition": "string",OperationDefinition/Organization-i-expunge"
     "documentation": "A city specified in an address" {
            }"name": "everything",
            {"definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-everything"
   "name": "address-country",
          "typename": "stringeverything",
              "documentationdefinition": "A country specified in an addressOperationDefinition/Patient--everything"
              "name": "address-postalcodemeta",
              "typedefinition": "string",
          "documentationname": "A postalCode specified in an address"
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-meta"
              "name": "addressmeta-stateadd",
              "typedefinition": "string",OperationDefinition/Patient-i-meta-add"
      "documentation": "A state specified in an address" {
            }"name": "meta-delete",
            {"definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-meta-delete"
   "name": "address-use",
          "typename": "tokenvalidate",
              "documentationdefinition": "A use code specified in an address"
              "name": "birthdatevalidate",
              "typedefinition": "date",OperationDefinition/Patient-i-validate"
      "documentation": "The patient's date of birth" {
            }"name": "expunge",
            {"definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient--expunge"
       "name": "death-date",
          "typename": "dateexpunge",
              "documentationdefinition": "The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value"OperationDefinition/Patient-i-expunge"
      "name": "meta",
     "definition": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner--meta"
        "name": "deceased"},
          "typename": "tokenmeta",
              "documentationdefinition": "This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered""OperationDefinition/Practitioner-i-meta"
            }"name": "meta-add",
          "definition":  {
       "name": "email",
           "typename": "tokenmeta-delete",
              "documentationdefinition": "A value in an email contact"
              "name": "familyvalidate",
              "typedefinition": "string",OperationDefinition/Practitioner--validate"
      "documentation": "A portion of the family name of the patient"  {
          "name": "validate",
            },"definition": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner-i-validate"
          "name": "genderexpunge",
              "typedefinition": "token",OperationDefinition/Practitioner--expunge"
      "documentation": "Gender of the patient" {
            }"name": "expunge",
          "definition":  {
       "name": "general-practitioner",
          "typename": "referencemeta",
              "documentationdefinition": "Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record"
              "name": "givenmeta",
              "typedefinition": "string"OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-meta"
          "documentationname": "A portion of the given name of the patient"
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-meta-add"
              "name": "identifiermeta-delete",
              "typedefinition": "token",OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-meta-delete"
      "documentation": "A patient identifier"{
            }"name": "validate",
            {"definition": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole--validate"
      "name": "language",
           "typename": "tokenvalidate",
              "documentationdefinition": "Language code (irrespective of use value)"
              "name": "linkexpunge",
              "typedefinition": "reference",OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole--expunge"
      "documentation": "All patients linked to the given patient" {
            }"name": "expunge",
     "definition": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-expunge"
 "name": "name",


Læs allergyIntolerance uden historik

For at læse cave oplysninger i cave servicen anvendes et HTTP Get kald til CAVE Servicens REST snitflade. Nedenstående er den HTTP Get, der skal laves. Det med rødt markerede er den variable del i form af CPR nummer.

Svaret på ovenstående request har endenstående format. I svaret er det entry listen, der indeholder de enkelte ressourcer, man får tilbage. Beskrivelse af de felter, der anvendes i hver resource, kan ses under snitfladebeskrivelse.

Code Block
    "typeresourceType": "stringBundle",
          "id": "bae2ae59-8dd2-4a22-bc0e-5dbc4840569d",
    "documentationmeta": "A{
 server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text""lastUpdated": "2019-02-13T07:25:27.572+01:00"
    "type": "searchset",
    "total": 5,
    "link": [
  "relation": "self",
            "nameurl": "organization","
    "typeentry": "reference",[
      "documentation": "The organization that is the custodian of the patient record""fullUrl": "",
"resource": {
                "nameresourceType": "phoneAllergyIntolerance",
                "typeid": "token608",
                "documentationmeta": "A{
 value in a phone contact"
   "versionId": "1",
              "namelastUpdated": "phonetic",
               "type": "string" },
                "documentationidentifier": "A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm" [
"value": "69a8c8f2-a410-41d4-af4d-57bcd6a9d721"
                "name": "telecom",
               "type": "token" ],
                "documentationclinicalStatus": "The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient"
                    "coding": [
          "type": "Practitioner",
          "profilecode": "",active"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read"
              "codeverificationStatus": "vread"{
            {"coding": [
              "code": "update"
              "code": "patchconfirmed"
              "code": "delete"
              "codetype": "history-instanceallergy",
      "category": [
              "code": "history-type"medication"
              "codecriticality": "createunable-to-assess",
    "code": {
              "codecoding": "search-type" [
        "conditionalCreate": true,
          "conditionalUpdate": true,
          "conditionalDeletesystem": "multipleurn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.73",
             "searchInclude": [
               "*code": "N07B02"
             "searchParam": [}
     "name": "_content",
              "typetext": "stringMetadon",
  "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
                 "patient": {
"reference": "Patient/607"
               "name": "_has" },
                "typeonsetDateTime": "string2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
                "documentationrecorder": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
            {"reference": "PractitionerRole/606"
              "name": "_id"  },
                "typelastOccurrence": "token2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
                "documentationreaction": [
  "The ID of the resource"
              "namemanifestation": "_language",
                 "type": "string",
    "documentation": "The language of the resource"
           "coding": {[
              "name": "_lastUpdated",
                     "type": "date", {
              "documentation": "Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
 "system": "urn:oid:",
              "name": "_profile",
              "typecode": "uriDT789",
               "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"
              "name": "_security" ],
              "type": "token",
                  "documentationtext": "Search for resources which have the given security labels"
Ser grønne elefanter!"
              "name": "_tag",
         "type": "token",
              "documentationseverity": "severe"Search
  for resources which have the given tag"
          "name": "_text"  },
              "typesearch": "string",
                "documentationmode": "Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext searchmatch"
              "name"response": "active",{
                "typestatus": "token201 Created",
              "documentation": "Whether the practitioner record is active"etag": "W/\"1\""
              "namefullUrl": "address",
              "typeresource": "string",{
                "documentationresourceType": "PractitionerRole"A,
 server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"
 "id": "606",
     "meta": {
              "nameversionId": "address-city1",
              "type      "lastUpdated": "string",2019-02-12T15:49:09.000+01:00"
              "documentation": "A city specified in an address" },
      "practitioner": {
              "namereference": "address-country",
               "type": "string" },
                "documentationorganization": "A country specified in an address"
                     },"reference": "Organization/605"
           "name": "address-postalcode" },
              "typesearch": "string",{
                "documentationmode": "A postalCode specified in an addressinclude"
            "response": {
                "namestatus": "address-state201 Created",
                "typeetag": "W/\"1\"string",
  "documentation": "A state specified in an address"      },
            }"fullUrl": "",
            "resource": {
                "nameresourceType": "address-usePatient",
                "typeid": "token607",
                "documentationmeta": "A use code specified in an address"
      "versionId": "1",
              "namelastUpdated": "communication",2019-02-12T15:49:09.000+01:00"
              "type": "token"  },
                "documentationidentifier": "One[
 of the languages that the practitioner can communicate with"
              "namesystem": "emailurn:oid:",
              "type": "token",
              "documentationvalue": "A value in an email contact"
          "name": "family"  },
              "typesearch": "string",{
                "documentationmode": "A portion of the family nameinclude"
            "response": {
                "namestatus": "gender201 Created",
                "typeetag": "W/\"1\"token",
              "documentation": "Gender of the practitioner"
              "namefullUrl": "given",
              "typeresource": "string",{
                "documentationresourceType": "APractitioner",
 portion of the given name"
            }"id": "604",
    "meta": {
         "name": "identifier",
              "typeversionId": "token1",
                    "documentationlastUpdated": "A practitioner's Identifier2019-02-12T15:49:08.000+01:00"
              "nameidentifier": "name",[
              "type": "string",
         "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"
   "system": "urn:oid:",
              "namevalue": "phoneAUT_ID2",
              "type": "token",
          "documentation": "A value in a phone contact"]
            "search": {
                "namemode": "phoneticinclude",
            "typeresponse": "string",
                "documentationstatus": "201 Created"A,
    portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"etag": "W/\"1\""
              "namefullUrl": "telecom",
              "typeresource": "token",
                "documentationresourceType": "Organization"The,
  value in any kind of contact"
         "id": "605",
    "meta": {
          "typeversionId": "PractitionerRole1",
          "profile": "",
          "interactionlastUpdated": ["2019-02-12T15:49:08.000+01:00"
            {    },
                "codeidentifier": "read"
              "code": "vread"
 "system": "urn:oid:",
              "codevalue": "updateSOR_KODE1"
              "code": "patch"]
            "search": {
                "codemode": "deleteinclude"
            "response": {
                "codestatus": "history-instance"
201 Created",
                "codeetag": "history-type"W/\"1\""

Læs allergyIntolerance med historik

For at læse cave oplysninger i cave servicen anvendes et HTTP Get kald til CAVE Servicens REST snitflade. Nedenstående er den HTTP Get, der skal laves. Det med rødt markerede er den variable del i form af allergiens id.

Svaret på ovenstående request har nedenstående format. Der har været en enkelt opdatering til allergien i eksemplet, hvorfor der er 2 versioner i svaret. I svaret er det entry listen, der indeholder de enkelte versioner af ressourcen, man får tilbage. Svaret indeholder kun resourcer af typen AllergyIntolerance. Beskrivelse af de felter, der anvendes i hver resource, kan ses under snitfladebeskrivelse.

For at få detaljerne for de øvrige resourcer (Patient, PractitionerRole, Practitioner, Organization) skal de læses selvstændigt. Se evt source koden til LAR servicen (klassen CaveClientAllergyHistory) for detaljer omkring dette. 

Code Block
              "code"resourceType": "createBundle",
            }"id": "e9e84173-ea5f-4146-9e04-32a6dd6a87d1",
            "meta": {
              "code"lastUpdated": "search-type"
    "type": "history",
    "total": ]2,
          "conditionalCreate"link": true,[
          "conditionalUpdate": true,
            "conditionalDeleterelation": "multipleself",
            "searchIncludeurl": [""
    "entry": [
             "PractitionerRole:location"fullUrl": "",
            "PractitionerRole:organization",resource": {
                "resourceType"PractitionerRole:practitioner "AllergyIntolerance",
                "PractitionerRole:service"id": "163",
          "searchParammeta": [{
              "name"versionId": "_content2",
              "type": "string",
              "documentationlastUpdated": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
           "identifier": {[
              "name": "_has",
         "type": "string",
              "documentationvalue": "Return resources linked to by the given target69a8c8f2-a410-41d4-af4d-57bcd6a9d723"
              "name": "_id"],
               "type": "tokenclinicalStatus",: {
              "documentation": "The ID of the resource"      "coding": [
              "name": "_language",
              "typecode": "stringactive",
              "documentation": "The language of the resource"
               "name": "_lastUpdated" },
                "typeverificationStatus": "date",
                    "documentationcoding": "Only[
 return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
              "namecode": "_profileconfirmed",
              "type": "uri",
     "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"
              "nametype": "_securityallergy",
                "typecategory": "token",[
              "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given security labels "medication"
              "namecriticality": "_tagunable-to-assess",
                "typecode": "token",
                    "documentationcoding": "Search for resources which have the given tag"
                "namesystem": "_texturn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.73",
              "type": "string",
              "documentationcode": "N07B02"Search
   the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"
      "name": "active",
              "typetext": "tokenMetadon",
              "documentation": "Whether this practitioner role record is in active use"
                "patient": {
            {"reference": "Patient/162"
              "name": "date"  },
                "typeonsetDateTime": "date2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
                "documentationrecorder": "The{
  period during which the practitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)"
       "reference": "PractitionerRole/161"
                "namelastOccurrence": "email2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
                "typereaction": "token",[
              "documentation": "A value in an email contact"
                         },"manifestation": [
               "name": "endpoint",
                 "type": "reference",
              "documentationcoding": "Technical[
 endpoints providing access to services operated for the practitioner with this role"
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token",
              "documentationsystem": "A practitioner's Identifier"
              "namecode": "locationDT789",
                   "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "One of}
 the locations at which this practitioner provides care"
              "name": "organization",
                  "typetext": "reference",
Ser grønne elefanter version 2!"
          "documentation": "The identity of the organization the practitioner represents / acts on behalf of"
         "name": "phone",
              "typeseverity": "tokensevere",
              "documentation": "A value in a phone contact"}
            },    ]
              "namerequest": "practitioner",{
                "typemethod": "referencePUT",
                "documentationurl": "Practitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization"
            "response": {
                "namestatus": "role200 OK",
                "typeetag": "token",W/\"2\""
  "documentation": "The practitioner can perform this role at for the organization"      },
            }"fullUrl": "",
            "resource": {
                "nameresourceType": "serviceAllergyIntolerance",
                "typeid": "reference163",
                "documentationmeta": "The list of healthcare services that this worker provides for this role's Organization/Location(s)"
                    "versionId": "1",
      "lastUpdated": "2020-01-20T14:36:37.000+01:00"
                "nameidentifier": "specialty",
                   "type": "token", {
              "documentation": "The practitioner has this specialty at an organization"
   "value": "69a8c8f2-a410-41d4-af4d-57bcd6a9d723"
              "name": "telecom"  ],
                "typeclinicalStatus": "token",{
              "documentation": "The value in any kind of contact"
"coding": [
          "typecode": "StructureDefinitionactive",
          "profile": "",
          "interaction": [
   "code": "read"
    "verificationStatus": {
         "code": "search-type"
            }"coding": [
        "interaction": [
          "code": "transactionconfirmed"
      "operation": [
          "name": "meta",
       "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance--meta"
          "nametype": "metaallergy",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-meta"
     "category": [
          "name": "meta-add",
       "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-meta-add"
          "namecriticality": "metaunable-to-deleteassess",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-meta-delete"
     "code": {
          "namecoding": "validate",
              "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance--validate"
          "name": "validate",
          "definitionsystem": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-validate"
          "name": "expunge",
          "definitioncode": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance--expungeN07B02"
  "name": "expunge",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/AllergyIntolerance-i-expunge"
          "nametext": "metaMetadon",
              "definition": "OperationDefinition/Organization--meta"  },
        "patient": {
          "name": "meta",
          "definitionreference": "OperationDefinition/Organization-i-metaPatient/162"
          "name": "meta-add",
          "definitiononsetDateTime": "OperationDefinition/Organization2019-i-meta-add"01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
        "recorder": {
          "name": "meta-delete",
          "definitionreference": "OperationDefinition/Organization-i-meta-deletePractitionerRole/161"
          "namelastOccurrence": "validate2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
          "definition      "reaction": "OperationDefinition/Organization--validate"[
          "name": "validate",
              "definitionmanifestation": "OperationDefinition/Organization-i-validate"
          "name": "expunge",
      "definition": "OperationDefinition/Organization--expunge"
          "namecoding": "expunge",[
           "definition": "OperationDefinition/Organization-i-expunge"
  "name": "everything",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-everything"
          "namesystem": "everythingurn:oid:",
             "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient--everything"
          "namecode": "metaDT789",
               "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient--meta"
          "name": "meta",
             "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-meta"
           "name": "meta-add",
          "definitiontext": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-meta-addSer grønne elefanter!"
          "name": "meta-delete", }
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-meta-delete"
          "name": "validate",
          "definitionseverity": "OperationDefinition/Patient--validatesevere"
    "name": "validate",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-validate" ]
            "request": {
                "namemethod": "expungePOST",
                "definitionurl": "OperationDefinition/Patient--expunge"
          "nameresponse": "expunge",{
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Patient-i-expunge"
      "status": "201 }Created",
          "nameetag": "meta",
           "definition": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner--meta" }
          "name": "meta",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner-i-meta"
          "name": "meta-add",

Registrer cave oplysninger

For at registrere CAVE oplysninger sker det ved et HTTP Post kald til Body består af en fhir bundle med de ressourcer der ønskes oprettet. Nedenstående er eksempel på HTTP body til oprettelse af data. 

Den enkelte felter er beskrevet under snitfladebeskrivelse. 

Code Block
  "resourceType": "Bundle",
  "type": "transaction",
  "entry": [
      "definitionfullUrl": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner-i-meta-add"
      "resource":  {
          "nameresourceType": "meta-deletePractitioner",
          "definitionidentifier": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner-i-meta-delete"
          "name": "validate",
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner--validate"
        }"system": "urn:oid:",
          "name"value": "validateAUT_ID2",
     "definition": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner-i-validate"
       "request": {
          "namemethod": "expungePOST",
          "definitionurl": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner--expunge"
          "namefullUrl": "expungeurn:uuid:0615d12d-08eb-482b-9a4b-200cfc6d8adc",
      "resource": {
        "definitionresourceType": "OperationDefinition/Practitioner-i-expunge"Organization",
"identifier": [
            "namesystem": "metaurn:oid:",
            "definitionvalue": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole--metaSOR_KODE1"
      "namerequest": "meta",{
          "definitionmethod": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-meta"POST",
        {"url": "Organization"
    "name": "meta-add"},
      "definitionfullUrl": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-meta-add"urn:uuid:4de0c3d5-4beb-42aa-a3f3-326e41442577",
      "resource": {
        {"resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
          "namepractitioner": "meta-delete",{
          "definitionid": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-meta-deleteurn:uuid:67e31dec-71e5-4f7d-88d6-402499aaa4ce"
        "organization": {
          "nameid": "validate",urn:uuid:0615d12d-08eb-482b-9a4b-200cfc6d8adc"
          "definition": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole--validate"
       "request": {
          "namemethod": "validatePOST",
          "definitionurl": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-validate"
          "namefullUrl": "expungeurn:uuid:9185fff5-7d2b-428d-bada-5641075b157d",
      "resource": {
        "definitionresourceType": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole--expunge"
        "identifier": [
            "namesystem": "expungeurn:oid:",
            "definitionvalue": "OperationDefinition/PractitionerRole-i-expunge0101010110"


Læs allergyIntolerance

For at læse cave oplysninger i cave servicen anvendes et HTTP Get kald til CAVE Servicens REST snitflade. Nedenstående er den HTTP Get, der skal laves. Det med rødt markerede er den variable del i form af CPR nummer.

Svaret på ovenstående request har endenstående format. I svaret er det entry listen, der indeholder de enkelte ressourcer, man får tilbage. Beskrivelse af de felter, der anvendes i hver resource, kan ses under snitfladebeskrivelse.

Code Block
      "request": {
        "resourceTypemethod": "BundlePOST",
        "idurl": "bae2ae59-8dd2-4a22-bc0e-5dbc4840569d",
      "resource": {
        "lastUpdatedresourceType": "2019-02-13T07:25:27.572+01:00"AllergyIntolerance",
    "typeclinicalStatus": {
          "searchset",coding": [
    "total": 5,
          "code": "active"
                "linkidentifier": [
            "relation": "self",
            "urlvalue": ""
    "entry": [}
        ],    "fullUrl": "",
        "resourceverificationStatus": {
          "coding": [
     "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
              "idcode": "608confirmed",
     "meta": {
        "versionIdtype": "1allergy",
        "category": [
           "lastUpdatedmedication": "2019-02-12T15:49:09.000+01:00"

"criticality": "unable-to-assess",
        "code": {
          "identifiercoding": [
      "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.73",
                 "valuecode": "69a8c8f2-a410-41d4-af4d-57bcd6a9d721N07B02"
        }  ],
          "text": "Metadon"
       ] },
        "patient": {
          "clinicalStatusid": {"urn:uuid:9185fff5-7d2b-428d-bada-5641075b157d"
        "onsetDateTime": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
        "codingrecorder": [{
          "id": "urn:uuid:4de0c3d5-4beb-42aa-a3f3-326e41442577"
   "lastOccurrence": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
        "reaction": [
  "code": "active"
         "manifestation": [
                "coding": [
                "verificationStatussystem": {"urn:oid:",
                    "codingcode": ["DT789"
                 "codetext": "confirmedSer grønne elefanter!"
           } ],
            "severity": "severe"
        "request": {
        "typemethod": "allergyPOST",
        "url": "AllergyIntolerance"
       "category": [}

Ovenstående giver nedenstående svar. Savret indeholder de data, der er blevet oprettet. 

Code Block
    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "type": "transaction-response",
    "medicationlink": [
   "relation": "self",
            "criticalityurl": "unable-to-assess",""
    "codeentry": {[
            "codingresource": [{
                "resourceType": "Practitioner",
         "id": "604",
                  "systemmeta": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.73",{
                            "code"versionId": "N07B021",
                    "lastUpdated": "2019-02-12T15:49:08.000+01:00"
        "identifier": [
           "text": "Metadon"
                "patientsystem": {
                        "referencevalue": "Patient/607AUT_ID2"
                "onsetDateTime": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
       "recorder": { },
            "referenceresource": "PractitionerRole/606"{
                } "resourceType": "Organization",
                "lastOccurrenceid": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00605",
                "reactionmeta": [{
  "versionId": "1",
                      "manifestationlastUpdated": [
   "identifier": [
        "coding": [
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    "value": "SOR_KODE1"
               "system": "urn:oid:", ]
            "coderesource": "DT789"{
                "resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
                "id": "606",
              "meta": {
   "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "2019-02-12T15:49:09.000+01:00"
       "text": "Ser grønne elefanter!"
                "practitioner": {
               "reference": "Practitioner/604"
                "severityorganization": "severe"{
                     }"reference": "Organization/605"
    "search": {
            "moderesource": "match"
            "responseresourceType": {"Patient",
                "statusid": "201 Created607",
                "etagmeta": "W/\"1\""{
        }"versionId": "1",
            "fullUrllastUpdated": "",
               "resource": { },
                "resourceTypeidentifier": "PractitionerRole",
                  "id": "606",
                 "meta       "system": {"urn:oid:",
                        "versionIdvalue": "10101010110",
                    "lastUpdated": "2019-02-12T15:49:09.000+01:00"}
       "practitioner": { },
            "referenceresource": "Practitioner/604"{
                } "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "organizationid": {"653",
                    "referencemeta": "Organization/605"{
    "versionId": "1",
             "searchlastUpdated": {"2019-02-13T07:52:49.573+01:00"
                "mode": "include"
   "identifier": [
        "response": {
      "status": "201 Created",
                "etagvalue": "W/\"1\""69a8c8f2-a410-41d4-af4d-57bcd6a9d723"
    "fullUrl": "",
            "resourceclinicalStatus": {
                    "resourceTypecoding": "Patient",
              "id": "607",
       "meta": {
                    "versionIdcode": "1active",
                    "lastUpdated": "2019-02-12T15:49:09.000+01:00"    }
            "identifier": [
                "verificationStatus": {
                    "coding": [
   "system": "urn:oid:",
        "value": "0101010110"
  "code": "confirmed"
            "search": {
         "mode": "include"
            "responsetype": {"allergy",
                "statuscategory": [
  "201 Created",
                "etag": "W/\"1\""medication"
            "fullUrlcriticality": "",
                "resourcecode": {
                    "resourceTypecoding": "Practitioner",[
                "id": "604",
       "meta": {
                    "versionIdsystem": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.73",
                    "lastUpdated": "2019-02-12T15:49:08.000+01:00"
       "code": "N07B02"
                "identifier": [}
                    "systemtext": "urn:oid:",
                "valuepatient": "AUT_ID2"{
                    } "reference": "Patient/607"
    "onsetDateTime": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
                "searchrecorder": {
                    "modereference": "includePractitionerRole/606"
                "responselastOccurrence": {"2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
                "statusreaction": [
  "201 Created",
                "etag": "W/\"1\"" {
            },"manifestation": [
                   "fullUrl": "",
              "resource": {
                  "resourceTypecoding": "Organization",[
                "id": "605",
                   "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdatedsystem": "2019-02-12T15:49:08.000+01:00"
                "identifiercode": ["DT789"
        "system": "urn:oid:",
                        "value": "SOR_KODE1"
          "text": "Ser grønne elefanter!"
            "search": {}
                 "mode": "include"       ],
            "responseseverity": {"severe"
                 "status": "201 Created",   }
                "etag": "W/\"1\""]


Opdater cave oplysninger

For at registrere opdateret CAVE oplysninger sker det ved et HTTP Post kald til Body består af en fhir bundle med de ressourcer der ønskes oprettet. Nedenstående er eksempel på HTTP body til oprettelse af data. 


Code Block
  "resourceType": "Bundle",
  "type": "transaction",
  "entry": [
      "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:67e31dec-71e5-4f7d-88d6-402499aaa4ce",
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "Practitioner",
        "identifier": [
            "system": "urn:oid:",
            "value": "AUT_ID2"
      "request": {
        "method": "POSTPUT",
        "url": "Practitioner"
      "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:0615d12d-08eb-482b-9a4b-200cfc6d8adc",
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "Organization",
        "identifier": [
            "system": "urn:oid:",
            "value": "SOR_KODE1"
      "request": {
        "method": "POSTPUT",
        "url": "Organization"
      "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:4de0c3d5-4beb-42aa-a3f3-326e41442577",
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
        "practitioner": {
          "id": "urn:uuid:67e31dec-71e5-4f7d-88d6-402499aaa4ce"
        "organization": {
          "id": "urn:uuid:0615d12d-08eb-482b-9a4b-200cfc6d8adc"
      "request": {
        "method": "POSTPUT",
        "url": "PractitionerRole"
      "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:9185fff5-7d2b-428d-bada-5641075b157d",
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "Patient",
        "identifier": [
            "system": "urn:oid:",
            "value": "0101010110"
      "request": {
        "method": "POSTPUT",
        "url": "Patient"
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
        "clinicalStatus": {
          "coding": [
              "code": "active"
        "id": "163",
        "meta": {
            "versionId": "1",
        	"lastUpdated": "2020-01-20T14:36:37.000+01:00"
                "identifier": [
                        "value": "69a8c8f2-a410-41d4-af4d-57bcd6a9d723"
        "verificationStatus": {
          "coding": [
              "code": "confirmed"
        "type": "allergy",
        "category": [
        "criticality": "unable-to-assess",
        "code": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.73",
              "code": "N07B02"
          "text": "Metadon"
        "patient": {
          "id": "urn:uuid:9185fff5-7d2b-428d-bada-5641075b157d"
        "onsetDateTime": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
        "recorder": {
          "id": "urn:uuid:4de0c3d5-4beb-42aa-a3f3-326e41442577"
        "lastOccurrence": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
        "reaction": [
            "manifestation": [
                "coding": [
                    "system": "urn:oid:",
                    "code": "DT789"
                "text": "Ser grønne elefanter version 2!"
            "severity": "severe"
      "request": {
        "method": "POSTPUT",
        "url": "AllergyIntolerance"

Ovenstående giver nedenstående svar. Savret Svaret indeholder de data, der er blevet oprettetopdateret

Code Block
    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "type": "transaction-response",
    "link": [
            "relation": "self",
            "url": ""
    "entry": [
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                "meta": {
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                    "lastUpdated": "20192020-0201-12T1520T14:4936:0836.000+01:00"
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            "resource": {
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                "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "20192020-0201-12T1520T14:4936:0836.000+01:00"
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                        "value": "SOR_KODE1"
            "resource": {
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                    "lastUpdated": "20192020-0201-12T1520T14:4936:0937.000+01:00"
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                "onsetDateTime": "2019-01-11T09:01:03+01:00",
                "recorder": {
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